Good old bad times

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It's been 3 weeks since I came home. The first week went great. We took care of each other like we promised. She did more of course, I'm injured badly but I try my best to keep my promise.

It was a shock that H.Y.D.R.A messed with her. She promised me that she was fine, but it was all a lie. She hasn't used her powers since. That's what I think atleast. I hope that she isn't gonna throw her gift in the trash. She could be so powerful with it.

I'm preparing dinner right now. I promised her a great dinner for when she's back. Today I finally found the strenght to do it. Y/n is starting to work more and more every day. It's sad actually, it feels like she's hiding.

She doesn't really talk to me anymore. I don't think I did something wrong but I'm worried like crazy. I'm gonna use this dinner to talk to her. If she needs to say something to me she hasn't told me yet.

Dinner is almost finished. I made her favorite pizza and chocolate chip cookies. I decided to call her one last time, I already called 5 times. Every single time it went straight to voice mail. Is it weird that I'm worried?

This time she picked up. 'Hey.' She says, I can hear other voices. 'Hey, are you coming home soon? Dinner is ready.' 'Oh, I'm having dinner with the team. Is that okay?' I sigh. 'I made that special dinner for you, that I promised you in my note.'

'Oh okay, I'm coming. Give me 20 minutes.' She hangs up. I put everything on the table and sit down. I made something different for myself, I don't like pizza. I sit down at our table and wait for my girl to arrive.

30 minutes later she still isn't here. Am I worried? Yeah. She said give me 20 minutes and she's still not here. It's New York, maybe there is traffic. Our food is cold now. I'm gonna put it in the microwave.

I get up and put her pizza and my meatballs with marinara sauce in the microwave. I hope she's gonna like my food, I don't really cook often because I'm used to the old ways of cooking.

The door opens and Y/n rushes in. She's wearing a long coat with her purse in her hand. 'I'm here!' She closes the door and lets out a sigh. I walk up to her and kiss her cheek.

'I just put the food in the microwave. You go sit down.' I take her purse and take off her coat. 'Thank you, what did you make?' 'Pizza and chocolate chip cookies.' Her face lit up. 'Really? You're the best!' She hugs me and sits down at the table.

The food is warmed up and I put it infront of her. She licks her lips and diggs in. She threw her head back because it's so good. Phew. 'So good!' I sit down and start on my meatballs.

'Is it worth the wait?' I ask with a smile. 'Yeah.' She nods her head as she eats another slice. 'Phew, I spend a long time making it.' She doesn't say anything back.

'So, uhm. Busy at work?' 'A little.' Is she starting to get short with me again? 'Was it fun with the team, did you eat dinner with them?' 'It was fun.' 'Bruce said I can start working again on Monday.' 'Great.' She says uninterested.

'What did I say?' I asked crossing my arms. 'Hmh.' 'Girl?' 'That's amazing.' 'Y/n Y/m/n Lang?' She finally looks up. 'Yeah?' 'Did you hear what I said?' 'You're going on a mission on Monday.' 'No, I'm going back to work on Monday.'

'Oh.' She looks back down. She stays quiet for the rest of dinner, I keep talking about my week. 2 weeks. I haven't talked to her in so long. Even if it feels like I'm talking to a wall it's nice to talk to her. I barely see her.

'You wanna watch a movie?' I ask with a smile, we're both done eating. 'No, I'm gonna hit stars.' She gets up and goes to our bedroom. She closes the door but opens it fast after. She throws my pillow to me with a blanket. 'The couch is yours.'

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