Chapter 2

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* Y/n house *

You all were at the dinner table having dinner and you and Ten were sitting across each other and everytime you guys looked up you gave each other an annoyed look .

" Wow this kimchi taste absolutely delicious Mrs Na" Said Mark Ten's brother.

" Well thank you I wouldn't be able to make it if Y/n didn't bought any of the ingredients so thank her" Said Your mom while praising you .

You and mark looked at each other and you just smiled

" But Y/n honey usually if you go to the store you would get yourself a treat but I didn't see any today" said your mom

" Well I was about to get a treat but then this jerk came and took it from me " You said as you pouted and then looked at Ten while he just rolled his eyes at you .

" Well that's okay Ten will just get you a new one after dinner " Said Mr Lee as he smiled at you .

" Oh well thank you Mr Lee but I don't think it would be necessary " You said as you smiled back

" Nonsense plus it'll be good practice for when you guys are married " Said Mr Lee as he looked at you and Ten .

You and then chocked on your food and drink and started coughing.

" W- WHAT MARRIED !!!! " Said You and Ten at the same time in shock .

Your dads then looked at each other and started laughing.

" Well Y/n dear Me and Mr Lee think it'll be a good idea to marry you and Ten together and when I told your mom she agreed so that's why we are having this dinner so that you and Ten can meet " Said your dad

" And plus we have already spent alot of money for the location of the wedding and all you and Ten need to do is just pick out your wedding suite and dress" Said Mr Lee

You then turned to your mother who was sitting next to you .

" Mom ?" You said as you whisper to her

" Please honey do it for your dad and me ?"whispered your mom as she held you hands

You then nodded and your mom smiled and mouth out to you " That's my girl " as you smiled at her .

* Time skip your wedding day *

You were in your bedroom getting ready for your wedding and best friend Minnie was there helping you get ready. Minnie and you had always been close to each other she was like a sister to you .

" I still can't believe your already getting married" Said Minnie as she was putting on some blush for you . 

" Yea me too and I don't even know him that well" You said

" Well I'm sure you'll get to know him better after you guys are married " Said Minnie

You then smiled at Minnie as she finished putting on your make up for you . You then heard your door opening and it was your mom .

" Hey sweetie are ready yet the wedding is about to start " Asked your mom as she came in your room

" Yes I'm already " You said as you smiled at your mom

You guys then left and went to the venue and it was fancy . After you guys arrived the wedding then started you kept looking at how happy your mom looked but surprisingly Ten's mom didn't really look happy. After the ceremony it was time for you and Ten to cut the cake and take pictures. So you guys changed into your second outfit and during the whole process of the picture taking you felt really annoyed as you had to keep holding on to Ten.

* Time Skip After the Wedding *

After your wedding ended you said your goodbyes to your parents and brother as you were going to be living with Ten and his parents now. After the goodbyes you went home with Ten. And he went to show you his room that was now yours.

" So here is my room which is also now your room and there's a nice big bathroom there too so if I don't know you wanna sleep there you can." Said Ten in a sarcastic tone

" Okay thanks " You said in a sad tone and sighed as you went over to seat at the small sofa in he's room

" Uhm hey I didn't really mean that you can sleep in the bathroom you know " Said Ten in a slightly calm voice.

" It's not that I just miss my mom " You said in a sad tone.

" Are you kidding me right now?!? " Said Ten

You then looked at him with your sad face and he felt bad but was annoyed and went up to you.

" Okay look how about I bring you to see your parents next week?" Said Ten in a slightly annoyed voice.

You then looked at him and nodded your head while he just slightly smiled and rolled his eyes before leaving the room to get you bags.

" Time Skip Night *

You were all ready for bed while Ten was about to take a shower but he stopped as he saw you taking the pillows and setting up a place for you to sleep on the small sofa in his room.

" What do you think your doing? " Asked Ten in an annoyed tone.

" Well theres no way I'm sleeping on that bed with you who knows what you'll do to me you might even r*pe me " You said trying to explain.

" Okay first of all your being ridiculous and second I wouldn't wanna lay a finger on you and Third even if I would to r*pe you there's no problem with that cause I'm husband so stop talking nonsense and get back on that bed and sleep " Said Ten in an annoyed tone.

" No I'm not going" You said as you crossed your arms and turn your back to him

" What did you just say?" Asked Ten

" I said N. O  No!!!" You said

" Well okay then fine" Said Ten

He then walked up to you and carried you bridle style.

" HEYY PUT ME DOWN!!! " You shouted at him

" Shhhh your gonna wake mom and dad " Said Ten in an annoyed tone as he was carrying you.

He then walked over to the bed and dropped you on the bed and you then sat back up . 

" Hey how dare you do that to me didn't I say - " You said as you got cut of by Ten covering your mouth as he heard a knock on the door.

" Ten honey is everything okay what's all that noise?" Said Mrs Lee as she was knocking the door.

" Ugh see  I told you not to shout" Whispered Ten to you in an annoyed tone while still covering your mouth.

" Ten is everything okay in there?"Asked Mrs Lee while still knocking on the door.

" Yea mom everything is okay me and Y/n were just about to go to bed." Said Ten as he trying to make everything sound okay.

" Okay don't say up too late honey"Said Mrs Lee as she walked away.

Ten then removed his hand from your mouth .

" You stay here I'm gonna go take a shower so no more funny business got it ? " Said Ten in annoyance

He then turn his back was about to walk away .

" Your not the boss of me " You said in an annoyed tone as you crossed your arms

Ten then stopped and turned back to you and walked up to you .

" While I am your husband aren't I " Said Ten as he came closer to you showing his wedding ring on his finger.

He then turned his back and walked to the bathroom while smirking .

" Ugh I still can't believe I'm married to him " You said to yourself in disbelief.

You then fluffed your pillow and went to bed .

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