Chapter 12

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* Next Day *

The next day you and Ten went to work while your parents were still staying over at your house , and Ten was sitting in his office but he couldn't stop thinking about you and took out his phone and he saw that it was about to be lunch time so he took his car keys and got into his car .

Meanwhile you were in your office when you got a call from Ten .

* On the phone *

Y/n : Hello what is it don't you know I'm working
Ten : Um hello didn't you see the time it's 12 noon is lunch time .
Y/n : Ugh did you call me to just tell me the time
Ten : No but come downstairs I'm here
Y/n : What ? I'm not going anywhere
Ten : Come down here or I'll drag you down
Y/n : Ugh fine give me a minute

* End of call *

" Hm now there is my wife " Said Ten as you got in the car .

" What are you doing here shouldn't you be having lunch with YangYang or something " You said

" What ? So I can't take my wife out for lunch " Said Ten

" I didn't say that I just didn't expect you to be here" Said Ten

" Whatever that's enough just put on your seatbelt" Said Ten

You then put on your seatbelt and Ten drove and you guys had lunch at a restaurant at the mall and after that you and Ten walked around the Mall and Ten had to go to the bath room so you waited for him outside the bathroom when suddenly someone came up to you and you were shock to see who it was , it was your ex Hwan and you guys dated a year ago before Ten and you got married.

" Hey Y/n baby how are you " Said Hwan

" Ugh what do you want ? " You said in annoyance

" Chill baby I just wanted to say hi that's all " Said Hwan

" You can save it I don't ever wanna talk to you after what you did " You said

" Come one baby its one time and I want you back now "  Said Hwan

He was about to come close to you but suddenly Ten came to you so Hwan backed off .

" Hey who's your friend? " Said Ten

" He's not my friend he's this guy I used to be close with " You said as you interclocked your arms with Ten .

" Oh I see btw I'm Ten Y/n 's husband " Said Ten as he introduced himself and let his hand out to shake Hwan hand .

" Oh I'm Hwan "  Said Hwan as he shaked Ten's hand .

Hwan then looked at Ten up and down and saw the way you were holding on to Ten .

" So your her husband I see how long have you guys been married? " Asked Hwan

" Oh we've been married for quite awhile now " Said Ten

" Oh that's nice but I have to go now it was nice seeing you " Said Hwan

He then walked passed you and just before he left he whispered something to you .

" Your lucky your husband was here or else you would have been mine " Whispered Hwan to you as he walked passed you .

After that you let go of Ten and you guys walked around the mall for alittle bit and Ten sent you back to the office .

* Time skip Night *

You were sleeping in Ten's room again cause your parents were still at your house , you were sleeping while Ten was sitting on the bed next to you while playing his phone suddenly he heard you crying in your sleep and he got worried .

" Y/n are you okay ? Hey Y/n wake up " He said as he tried to wake you up .

You then woke up with tears in your eyes and saw Ten looking at you with a concerned look on his face so you hugged him and he was shocked but hugged you back .

" Hey what's wrong why are you crying hm ? " Said Ten in a clam voice .

" Ten please don't ever leave me " You said while crying and hugging Ten .

Ten then broke the hug and looked you in the eyes .

" Why would you say that ? Ofc I won't leave you" Said Ten in a calm voice .

" Well you know the guy we met earlier today ? " You said .

" Yea why ? " Said Ten

" Well actually he's my ex we dated a year ago and we were supposed to get married but then he cheated on me and was an abusive boyfriend and I had a dream that I had married to him and not you and my life was Miserable that's why I started crying" You said while explaining to Ten .

" Awh come here my dear " Said Ten as he brought you in for a hug .

He then hugged you and stroked your hair .

" I'm here now and I will never ever leave you or treat you the way he treated you okay ? I promise" Said Ten in calm voice.

You then laid on his chest for awhile and he was stroking your hair and it made you fall asleep so you fell asleep in his arms .

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