Chapter 5

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* The Next day *

Ten didn't go to work today as his dad told him to take care of you . You were laying down on the bed and you saw Ten getting ready to go somewhere.

" Where are you going " You asked as you sat up

" I'm going to the store " Said Ten as he was getting ready .

" ooo can I come along I'm bored at home " You said

" No you can't even walk properly and I'm just going to take something really quick I'll get you something" said Ten

He then left the room and went down the stairs and went over to the kitchen to look for Silvia.

" Silvia I need you to prepare some food for Y/n and bring to her upstairs she can't walk properly and I don't want her to move around " Said Ten

" Okay no problem I'll prepare her food and sent it to her " Said Silvia

Ten then thank her and then left the house after he left Silvia went to prepare some food for you and was about to bring it up but then Mrs Lee stopped her.

" Where are you going with this tray?" Asked Mrs Lee

" I bringing this up for Y/n because Ten asked me to prepare some food and sent it up to her cause he doesn't want her to move around cause she hurt her leg" Said Silvia

" Oh well then let me bring it up my poor daughter in law hurt her leg I'll just bring this up to her and check her" Said Mrs Lee as she took the tray.

" Well that's really nice of Mrs Lee" Said Silvia as she passed the tray to Mrs Lee

Mrs Lee then faked smiled at Silvia and waited for her to leave the kitchen and as soon as she did Mrs Lee threw the food in the trash.

" Who the hell do you think you are huh Y/n" Said Mrs Lee to herself as she threw the food away and walked into the living roon

Ten quick got home from the store as he was worried about you and went up to check on you immediately after he got home.

" Hey I'm back" Said Ten as he entered the room.

" Finally you took so long I was so bored " You said

" And I got you something " Said Ten as he place his hands in one of the bags

" Ooo what is it? " You said in excitement

" Tadaaa here you go " He said as he gave you what he bought.

He had bought you your favorite chocolate that he had stolen from you before you guys got married.

" Awh you got me my favorite chocolate wait why you being so nice" You said

" You want the chocolate or not?" Said Ten while holding the chocolate.

You then nodded your head and took the chocolate.

" Finally something to eat I've been so hungry the whole day" You said while opening the rapper.

" Wait what do you mean you've been hungry the whole day? Didn't Silvia came up with food for you?" Asked Ten in confusion.

" No she didn't even come here the whole day" You said while eating your chocolate.

" While that's strange" Said Ten as he whisper to himself.

" I'm going downstairs for awhile don't do any funny business while I'm gone"Said Ten as he left he room and went downstairs.

He then went into the kitchen to look for Silvia and called for her.

" Silvia didn't I tell you to make something for Y/n then sent it up to her?" asked Ten

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