Chapter 14

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You were walking up to your bed room when you saw that Ten's bedroom door was slightly open and you remembered what Joy said earlier so you went inside his room . 

" um hey can I ask you something? " You asked as you came in the room .

" Sure what is it ? "  Said Ten as he sat up on his bed

You then went to sit on the bed next to him .

" I have been thinking about everything you've done for me including last night and I wanted to ask you something " You said as you looked at him .

" Oh okay what is it " Said Ten as he looked at you

" Honestly do you love me ? " You asked as you looked in his eyes .

Ten was shocked by your question and he just looked into your eyes .

" Look I don't know if you do really love me I wanted to know cause - " You said as you got cut off .

You then got cut of my Ten kissing you and you kissed him back after awhile he broke the kiss.

" Does that answer your question? Because if it doesn't let me tell you that I do love you " Said Ten

He came closer to you and started stroking your hair.

" I love you so much that I can't stop thinking about you " Said Ten

" Well I love you too " You said

" How about you sleep here with me tonight and we'll move all your things in here tomorrow cause I don't wanna be separated from you anymore " Said Ten

You then nodded your head and you guys got into bed and cuddled together until you both fell asleep.

* Time skip One week later *

You and now sleep in the same bedroom and you both show each other a lot of love , you were about to go to bed after a long day of work when you noticed that Ten didn't look okay .

" Hey babe you okay what's wrong ? " You said as you went up to him .

" Yea it's just that Mark called me and said that my mom has been sick for the past few week now " Said Ten in a worried tone

" Well maybe you should go and see your mom she must really miss you " You said

" After what she did to you I don't think so love" Said Ten

" Well she's still your mom " You said

" Yea and you are my wife " Said Ten

" Look if your mom is really sick then I think you should go and see her but if she's not then I won't force you okay ? " You said

" Okay fine I'll go and see her tomorrow but your coming with me okay ? " Said Ten

" Okay fine I will " You said

He then smiled at you and kissed you on your forehead and you smiled at him .

* Next day *

You and Ten went over to his parent house to see his mom and you were afraid if he's mom was gonna scold you so you didn't go up to her room and you just stayed in the living room . After awhile Ten was done talking to his mom and you guys went back home .

*In the car *

" Um love can I ask you something ?" Said Ten as he was driving .

" Sure what is it ? " You said

" Do mind driving to moms house every to take care of her until she is better " Said Ten

" Why me ? I thought she loves Chaeyoung so much why don't she just take care of your mom " You said

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