Studying with Tom Riddle

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Im in so much pain, my new tattoo is hurting me so much that I can't move my shoulder since its on my chest but enjoy my new one shot.

Professor Snape has informed you that he will be giving you a study tutor since you were falling behind. You had gone to the library to find a book that you needed.

You didn't notice anyone come in until you heard someone clear their throat behind you, jumping in the spot that you were standing you turned around and found Tom Riddle standing before you, it wasn't like you were scared of the man, it was more l...

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You didn't notice anyone come in until you heard someone clear their throat behind you, jumping in the spot that you were standing you turned around and found Tom Riddle standing before you, it wasn't like you were scared of the man, it was more like you were intrigued. Not lying to yourself you knew that you had a crush on him. How could you not, he was hot.

"Good evening miss y/l/n, Mr Snape has informed me that you require my assistance in potions" He said making you smile. "Oh, hi Tom. Sorry you caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting you to be my tutor" You said making him shuffle on his feet " Very well, shall we start? I much rather be doing other things " He said, you tried to ignore the cold tone that he was using but you simply smiled and followed him to a table near the back of the room.

"So, what exactly are you struggling with?" He asked as he flipped random pages in the book that you had placed on the table "Everything!" You whined out making him widen his eyes. "Oh Merlin, I didn't realise that you were that bad. I had just assumed it would be one or two things" He muttered, but you still heard him.

"Look, if you're going to be a dick about it, you can go. I didn't ask you for help" You said and snatched the book from him and looked down at the book "Thank you for your time, I'll inform Snape that I will find someone else" You muttered, you expected Tom to leave but instead he took out his own notes and pushed them towards you. "Let's start with these, then perhaps we will have time to learn the makings of the Amortentia" His tone was clipped but your eyes widened "I won't be able to learn all these notes tonight" You exclaimed making his lips twitch lightly.

"I did not intended that we will do that this evening. Looks like it shall take a few more times until you even learn the first page" He said but you could see a slight tinkle in his eyes making you pout.

"Well get to work. I do require sleep in this century" He said making you groan "Tom, you're being a dick" You whined "Oh Miss Y/L/N, please stop with your flattery" He said.


It had been 3 weeks now since Tom had started tutoring you. Slowly you were getting better but still had a lot of work to do. You were walked into the library and went to your usual table, you weren't expecting Tom to be there since he had informed you that he was doing something with his friends this evening so you wanted to take the time to finish your essay that had to do for charms.

You stopped in your tracks when someone was sitting at your table and it was Tom. The only way you knew it was him was of the way that he was sitting.

You smiled and watched him, his hair was curling now and he had one of your favourite suits on

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You smiled and watched him, his hair was curling now and he had one of your favourite suits on. You bit your lip as you tried to sneak up on him but he sat up slightly straighter making you stop where you were standing.

"I thought you would never show up" His voice rung out clear, clearing your throat you walked closer and sat down. "I didn't realise that you will be here this evening. You said you would be busy" you said making him look at you.

"Well, I decided that my evening would not be as entertaining as watching you trying to learn something " He teased. "Remind me again why you're here" you asked. He chuckled lightly.

"I actually have a proposition for you" Tom said to you making you sit down and drop your bag on the ground "Oh, well then please go ahead " You said as Tom coughed.

"Ok, I've never actually done this before. But I was just wondering if you would like to accompany me to dinner this Saturday evening " He said making you shocked. "Is THE Tom Riddle asking little old me out on a date" You asked poking him on his chest.

"A simple no would of been fine" He said standing up but you grabbed his wrist softly. "Tom, I was just teasing. I would love to have dinner with you Saturday" You said which caused him to smile and sit down again "Very well. Shall we do some work then" He said making you roll your eyes and open your book from you bag "Fine"


Your dinner went well on Saturday, you didn't see much of him on Sunday but you were busy finishing off your homework anyways. You had left your bag in Potions Monday afternoon and you were coming back down to get it when you found Tom at a table brewing something

 You had left your bag in Potions Monday afternoon and you were coming back down to get it when you found Tom at a table brewing something

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"Hi Tom" you whispered. You didn't know where you two stood as after your date he didn't even try and kiss you. "Hi" He replied looking up at you "Um, what are you doing?" You asked making him smirk "I'm testing a theory,  I'm brewing Amortentia " He said making you hum. When he didn't say anything else you grabbed your bag and were ready to leave when he stopped you.

"What do you smell?" He asked making you freeze. You walked closer to him and smelled the cauldron "Um, I smell tree bark. With something expensive. I almost smell hmm, something like sage. It smells like the aftershave that you use, the one I said I like a few weeks ago. I also smell coffee, freshly brewed. Like the hot black coffee you have every morning " You said giving him a few hints, hoping thag he would get the hint that it was him that you were smelling.

He hummed but didn't say anything "I guess I'll see later" you said sadly when you were met with silence, but he stopped you. "I smell lilies, and fresh books, there's a faint linger of that mugged perfume that you use,the one that I always smell when I'm near you" He said looking at you and walking closer. "I can smell faint vanilla, like the syrup you use in your coffee" He was standing close to you know. You could smell the mint gum that he was chewing.

He teased his finger down your cheek "It's you I smell silly girl" He whispered making you smile "And I know you feel the same way about me" He said as one of his arms circled your waist and pulled you to his chest, you gingerly placed your hands on his shoulders "I believe, I should have done this Saturday. My friends were rather disappointed in me that I didn't"

"Didn't do what?" You whispered as he cupped the side of your neck with his hand "This" He whispered as his lips collided with yours and his hand tightened on your waist and pulled you in closer again. "Hmm" He said as he pulled away "I suppose Mr.Malfoy was correct. I was rather stupid not having kissed you after our dinner" Which made you giggle and peck his lips.

"Well, I guess you have to make it up to me now" You teased as he smirked and pushed you up against one of the many tables in the room "I can do that" He said proudly as he kissed you again and let his hands wander. One of his hands were around your waist while the other ran over your ass.

"Not here though " He said as he gathered his belongings and pulled you to the dorm rooms, ignoring the wolf whistles that were coming from his friends in the common room.

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