believing a rumour you cheated on them 4 Draco

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Im going to upload some of Draco one shots from my other book here.

You opened the door to your dorm when you noticed Mattheo standing there leaning against the wall looking at you "Who am I shagging today? Theo? Tom? Harry? Make it fun this time, run back to draco tell him I'm having a fucking go at half of our house. You seem to get off with breaking up a relationship" You spat at him and slammed the door closed. He walked closer to you, taking a step back you pointed a finger at him. "You just fucked up a relationship for your best friend. I know you never fucking liked me and that's fine, I wasn't your biggest fan either but I grew to tolerate you because you were my boyfriends best friend but what you did was fucking hurtful Mattheo. If you wanted to hurt me fine you could of done so in a different way but now I know for a fact that your best friend is suffering too" You said.

"That's why I'm here. Please go and see him. He's not himself and I don't like seeing him like that" Mattheo said making you shake your head "You should of thought a about that before you made up bullshit about me and our relationship. If I didn't know any better I would say you were jealous but no you just hate me that much. Stay the fuck away from me" You said and walked away bumping your shoulder with his. Mattheo sighed and ran his hand over his face "fuck"

You were sitting at the table about to have dinner when you noticed Mattheo and Tom dragging draco towards the table. His hair was messy and he was wearing abog jumper with the sleeves pulled over his arms. His tracksuit bottoms hung low on his hips. Your eyes watched as he sat down and his friends were pilling his plate full of food which caused you to frown. He lofted his arms and started scratching the outside of his hand which made you shake your head. No matter how upset you were with him you knew what that meant and he had the urge to self harm again. You stood up and walked around to the side of the table that he was sitting on. You could feel his friends were looking at you, but your eyes were set on the blonde who was now playing with his peas.

You placed your hand on his shoulder and leaned down "Draco, let's go outside we need to talk" you whispered in his ear and watched as his bloodshot eyes looked at your own tired eyes, truth to be told you both looked worse than one another. Looks like you weren't the only one that was heart broken. You held your hand out for him and smiled lightly as he gently grabbed it and followed you outside the Great Hall. You walked him over to his room and gasped when you opened the door.

His room was a mess and there was no fresh air in there at all. With a flick of your wand you cleaned the room and walked over to the window and opened it to let the night breeze sweep the room. "Sit down and show me your wrists" You said sharply "I didn't '' he replied weakly. "I'll believe it when I see it" You said again and watched as he pulled up his sleeves and showed you his arms. You scanned them to make sure that he wasn't lying "why do you care anyways " He mumbled looking down and sniffling "Don't be daft Dray. I still care for you and I love you" You whispered kneeling infront of him and lifting his head up.

"You need to get yourself together Draco. Mattheo is worried about you" You said. He laughed bitterly "That prick broke us up and now he has the nerve to be worried about me" He said with venom in his voice. "I'm so stupid I should have listened to you. How could I believe him over my own girlfriend" He said shaking his head. "Yeah well, we all make mistakes. All we can do is move forward" You said.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I know how much your virginity means to you. I shouldn't of been blinded by rage. I was so mad thinking that Enzo got to make the night special for you instead of me and I said things I shouldn't of had " You closed your eyes and nodded "I need time okay? I'm not saying were back together. But I don't want to close the door to us closed completely" You said standing up.

"Now take a shower, you stink. And get into bed and rest. I will see you tomorrow" You said kissing his head making him nod as he watched you walking out of the room.


There were flowers outside of your room the next morning. You knew they were from draco as he was the only one that would get a bouquet of red roses with one singular black one in the middle. After placing the flowers inside your room you walked down towards your Potions class. When you walked in you noticed that Draco was sitting in his usual spot but he was freshly showered and his eyes were not red any more. He turned his head towards the door and smiled when he seen you. With a hand he gestured to sit beside him which you softly smiled and took a seat beside him.

"Good morning" He whispered making you laugh "Good morning, Dray" You said. Daphne reached across the table and grabbed Dracos hand "Are you feeling better Dracy boo" She asked. Draco removed his hands from her "Dude. My name is Draco" He said. You narrowed your eyes at her "If you touch my boyfriend one more time I'll chop your hands off and give them to Tom's snake" You smiled sweetly at her. Draco smirked.

"You heard the lady. Don't touch me" Draco said as he leaned back in his chair and threw his hand over the back of your chair. "Boyfriend?" He asked in a whisper making you roll your eyes. "Thank you for the flowers , babe" You whispered turning to look at him and his face softened. "You're welcome " He said as he ran his fingers over the back of your neck. You bit your lip.

"I forgive you" You said. He dropped his head on yoir shoulder kissing it lightly "I'm ao sorry, Darling. I swear nothing like this will happen again. I love you" He said. You smiled.

"I love you too" You said kissing his forehead. He looked up at you from your shoulder and leaned up placing his lips gently over yours.

Eww. What is this lol

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