Clingy part 2- Draco

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I hate this one with a passion

You walked to the great hall for breakfast the next morning

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You walked to the great hall for breakfast the next morning. You had so much to talk to Draco about and what you have planned for today but you learned your lesson and decided to keep it to yourself since Draco already considers you as a clingy girlfriend. Why bother him with every little detail of your day right?

"Morning" You said as you sat down beside draco. He grinned and turned around and kissed you. You softly smiled back at him hoping that he wouldn't notice that you were upset. "You wanna talk about what you said yesterday " Draco asked raising his eyebrow. "Nope, there is nothing to talk about. I heard I pissed you off with texting you about every detail of my day. Noted I won't do that anymore " You told him with a shrug. He shook his head "Of course you would drag this out and make me look like the bad guy" Draco said.

"Draco what the fuck. I literally said it's okay and that I won't bother you so much with my texts or what I'm doing. What's wrong now what did I do?" You shot at him which caught the attention of your friends. "You guys good?" Theo asked. "Yeah we're fine. I just told Draco that I agree that I may have pissed him off during the holidays with my texting and giving him every little detail of my day and now he's mad at me again" You said standing up. "I literally can't do anything right in this relationship lately" You snapped "Where are you going?" Draco asked. "To class! Is that a short enough answer or did that have to much information for you to get pissed off to?" You shot at him and walked away.

Draco smacked his head on the table "Ugh, I said the wrong thing didn't I?" He asked Theo who laughed "well yeah" He agreed.


You were laying on the bed reading when Draco stormed in and sat down "Hello" you said as you continued to read but not for long before it was ripped out of your hand

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You were laying on the bed reading when Draco stormed in and sat down "Hello" you said as you continued to read but not for long before it was ripped out of your hand. "Why didn't you talk to me about anything today. Snape? Getting on to the team?" He asked. "They're minor details Draco. I didn't think you'd want to know?" You said. But it was more than a question." Of course I want to know these things. Babe what I said was wrong okay. I admit but don't refrain from telling me these things please I want to hear about everything you do" He said grabbing your hands and kissing them.

"Why are you here?" He asked gently looking at you.

"I have my period and got dizzy and fainted and fell down the moving stairs " You replied.

"WOMAN CAN FAINT ON THEIR PERIODS" He shouted horrified making you laugh as you nodded your head "I need to read a period book or something " He mumbled before leaning up and kissing you "I want to know every detail from now on. Do you hear me?" He said looking into your eyes. You nodded your head.

"Yes Sir"

"Good Girl"

I hate this and give up 👆 *throws hands in the air and flips table* I'm out for the night. I'll be back with Regulus and Blaise tomorrow my brain is a no no tonight.

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