Spending the Day with you-Tom Riddle

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Boo! Did I scare you?

You and Tom have arrived back at your childhood home in the early morning. The house was quite while your parents still slept. You walked into the kitchen and watched as Tom slowly walked around and inspected the kitchen appliances with wonder in his eyes " And what is this contraption?" He asked pointing to a waffle maker.

"That is a waffle maker my love" You said as you walked over to the kettle and switched it on and took out two cups, out of the corner of your eye you watched as he poked it with his finger which made you chuckle as he jumped back when it didn't do anything back to him " Tom its not going to eat you" You said as you found the tea bags.

He looked up at you and smiled lightly he walked over to another thing and stared at it in wonder "And what interesting torture device is this? Is it for your fingers to get chopped off?" He asked, you turned around and let out a laugh "Tom, darling that is a toaster" You told him making him hum "Interesting" He said as he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist "What's this?" He asked pointing to a kettle "It's going to explode and kill me in a minute " You joked and watched as he quickly took his wand out and shouted "Avada Ka-" You stopped him.

"TOM ITS A KETTLE" You said lowering his wand laughing "Nothing in this house is dangerous darling. Its okay" You said kissing him softly "Don't joke like that, if anything hurt you I wouldn't be able to go on without you"


Later that night you were in your room in the shower with them exploring your room and everything that was in it. When you walked out you couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. Tom was sitting on your bed with a face mask on "Do not laugh, this is a moment of weakness. I seen you wear these in school and wanted to try. Mention this to Mattheo and I will kill you" He said as you laughed harder.

"I think you look great " you said laughing as he went back to reading a book. You looked at him as you walked over to the vanity to brush your hair.

"Thank you for coming home with me, my parents really like you by the way" You said softly as he lowered the book and took the mask off.

"I'm glad you have invited me, I thoroughly enjoyed the company of your parents. Your father is a interesting man. I enjoyed our conversation. And I see where you got your beauty and grace. Your mother is a wonderful woman and mother" He said making you smile as you got into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

"I'm thankful you didn't kill my dog when it jumped on you" You said as he rolled you over so that he was on top "Interesting creature, I must research more about them" He said as he kissed your neck moving down to your collarbone.

"I love you" You said gently. You didn't expect him to say it back as he wasn't a very affectionate person, you already knew he loved you so him not saying it back was nothing new to you.

"As do I" He said making your eyes widen " I do not express it enough but I love you" He whispered before capturing your lips as you wrapped your legs around his waist.

"Now let me show you" He whispered again.

Bro I want a soft Tom Riddle in my house trying to kill my kettle.

-Abby xoxo

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