believing a rumour you cheated on them 4. Mattheo

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Mattheo had tried everything to get your attention the last few days. He tried going to your dorm but he couldn't find you, he looked at your favourite places but you hid when you seen him coming. Since he called you a whore, you didn't know what took over your body. You started drinking more. Most nights you found yourself passed out in random places. The forbidden forest, the 3rd story corridor. Random empty classrooms. The room of Requirement. You name it, you probably got drunk there and passed out.

On a Friday night you were sitting in the comment room with a bottle of vodka in your hand. You were alone there as it was nearing 3am. Mattheo walked down the stairs and noticed you sitting on the couch looking up at the ceiling. He let out a breath as he walked over to you but frowned once he seen the bottle in your hand, you giggle and looked over to him with your eyes hooded "Oo look you finally found the whore, congratulations " you slurred. "Are you drunk?!" He exclaimed "Ooo Matty boo is smart. Oops I mean Mattheo. I'm not allowed to call you Matty anymore " you said, but shook your head and giggled. "What is it that my fine whore self can help you with?" You asked and raised the bottle to take another swing of the drink but Mattheo took it out of your hand making you whine.

"That's mine give it back" You protested "Will you stop calling yourself a whore for fuck sake" He said angrily "Why are you allowed to call me a whore but I'm not?" You asked sadly. Reaching for the bottle in his hand again he pulled it back again placing it on a table out of your reach. He stood you up and wrapped his arms around your waist " Ooo are we going to have sex? I need to keep up my whore tendencies " you giggled. " stop calling yourself that I'm being serious y/n" He snapped and walked you back to his dorm where he knew that you'll be safe "You hurt me. Why didn't you believe me when I said I didn't cheat on you" You asked. Your eyes now started to tear up "You called me a whore when you know that I was only ever with you" You slurred. Mattheo kissed the top of your head as he layed you down on his bed "Well talk in the morning " He whispered and watched as your eyes closed and you fell asleep.


A groan left your lips as you opened your eyes but closed them due to the pounding in your head. "Jesus Christ " You mumbled and rolled over again but your eyes shot open when you smelled a familiar smell. You sat up in bed and noticed that you were in Mattheos room with him sitting on the chair across the room with his sketch book scribbling away. "Good morning " He said not looking up at you. "What am I doing in your room,Mattheo?" You asked as you pulled the covers away from you. He frowned "I don't like you calling mattheo" He said. You rolled your eyes but winced. " You asked me to call you that. Thanks for last night or whatever. I'll take my leave now" You said and stood up.

"We need to talk" He said closing his book and throwing it on the table beside him before walking over to you "About what, are you going to call me a whore to my face now? Or explain in detail how I cheated on you when I didn't? What is it that you want?" You asked. He bit his cheek "I know you didn't cheat on me" He said said making you nod "Okay. Glad we cleared that up" You said and turned towards the door.

"How long have you been drinking like that?" He asked. You shrugged "Since the day I got your text about cheating on you" You admitted "Most nights I don't remember, I'd wake up in random classrooms, the forest. I woke up behind the lake some nights " You admitted and watched as his face twisted with worry. "Has anyone.. " He trailed off. You looked down "I don't remember. Maybe. But why do you care anyways. I'm a whore remember" You pointed out. He growled and placed his hands and your shoulders.

"You're not a whore okay! Stop fucking saying that. I fucked up okay! I know that I did. But please I can't go on another fucking day without you. I love you. I never fucking stopped. I don't know why I believed those people that you cheated on me. I was stupid okay" He said making you look down. Your headache was now not from the amount of drink you had but it was from the fact that you didn't know what to do. Should you forgive him or try and move on.

"Mattheo.." You whispered, he shook his head "I'm Matty, I'm not Mattheo to you I'm Matty or baby, or if you want you can call me a dickhead, or a moran or any other name under the sun but please not Mattheo" He whispered. With a sigh you looked up at him "You know i didn't cheat on you, you know that right. I would never be with anyone other than you. You're the one that I love. You're the one that I want to be with not anyone else" You said with a frown. He nodded his head "I know baby, I know" He said kissing your head. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me" He whispered. You nodded your head and looked up at him.

You gasped as you noticed the tears that had gathered in his eyes "Is Mattheo Riddle crying?" You smiled making him shake his head and wipe at his eyes "I love you" He whispered. You leaned up to kiss his cheek but he turned his head to so that he ended up kissing you on the lips.

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer "I'm not letting you go ever again" He confirmed.  You groaned "I'm never drinking again" you mumbled making him laugh.

I actually don't like this but whatever.

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