Hiding your relationship - Enzo

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You and Enzo were walking down the hallway holding hands " So what are we doing later tonight? Do you want to go out or will we stay in and watch a movie?" Enzo asked as he swung both your hands back and forward.

"Maybe we should stay in? We went out a few days ago, I think a movie and some snacks will do for tonight " You said making him smile and kiss your temple, you heard laughing around the corner, you noticed your boyfriends friends walk around the corner and smiled thinking that maybe today will be the day that he introduced you to them, you smiled looking up at him but your smile dropped when he let go of your hand and took a step back from you.

"Look who it is, we were looking for you" Mattheo said as he glanced at you " You're with a hufflepuff?" He laughed, you smiled lightly, you were about to say something when Enzo laughed "Fuck no, I just got paired with her for charms" He said making your heart clench.

"Enzo" You whispered "Fuck sake Y/L/N how many times do I have to tell you that it's Lorenzo to you, you aren't my girlfriend nor friend, you don't get to use my nickname " Enzo said making his friends laugh. "But-"

"But nothing, I'll see you in the library tomorrow at 6 so we can work together on the assignment" Enzo said as he walked over to his friends, you looked at him in disbelief.

" I really thought you were different" You whispered as you turned around and walked away, Theo turned around to his friend and looked at him "What is she talking about?" He asked making Enzo shrug his shoulders "I have no idea, I heard she has a crush on me or something but like that will ever happen" Enzo said with guilt building up in his chest.

His friends laughed as they all walked down the hall, Enzo turned his head and seen you leaning again the wall wiping your eyes, he but his lip and turned back around to walk away with his friends.


You were sitting on your bed doing your homework and watching a movie when you heard a knock on your door, standing up you walked over and opened it only to find Enzo standing there with a movie and a small bag of snacks "Okay so I have your favourite snacks and I got us the movie that you wanted-" He was about to walk into your room when you held your hand out stopping him.

"What do you want?" You asked coldly.

"Come on babe, let me in" He said with a chuckle but you didn't budge" Lorenzo, what do you want?" You asked him again and watched as his smile disappeared and guilt took over his face.

"Baby-" you shook your head "It's Y/N to you Berkshire, like you said I'm not your girlfriend nor friend so what do you want?" You said, trying not to break down just like your heart was breaking.

"I know you're upset, but I can't have my friends knowing that me and you are together" he said making you clench your jaw "and why the hell not?" You asked making him laugh lightly " we are in two different houses, I don't want to be made a laughing stock of my house because I'm going out with you" He said making you look at him in shock.

"Is your reputation that important to you? Do you seriously think more about what people think about you rather than being with me?" You asked waiting for an answer but when neither came out you shook your head.

"Have a good evening Mr. Berkshire" you said sadly as you closed the door and slid against it finally letting the tears fall.

Hello?! I'm going to try and get as much drafts out as I can within the next couple of days.

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