Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Author's Note: Made this story surrounding the movie The Bad Guys on Quotev and I've now decided to put it onto here with one or two twists thrown in. Hope you guys like it. I don't own The Bad Guys or the characters from the film. Just made this story for fun and made the cover in MS Paint. Enjoy.


"uuuh. It's too early" I thought as I heard my phone vibrate on my bedside table and make a noise interrupting my sleep. My phone eventually stopped as I just let it ring before I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep. But not even 5 minutes later my phone started again. Making me become a little annoyed. "a video chat on Instagram?....At 4 in the morning!?! forget it" I thought as I only went to sleep 2 hours ago. Mentally scolding myself for binge listening to so much nightcore before I decided to have enough. I grumbled and went back to ignoring the phone. Putting it back where it was before. Waiting for it to stop again and I went back to sleep 10 minutes later hoping to get more rest. Unfortunately my phone went off again making me really annoyed. "Noooo. Eeennnooouuuggghhh!!!!" My brain screamed seeing it was a video chat request again. I then thought that since whoever on social media wasn't wanting me to sleep didn't want me to sleep. I decided to watch a video on YouTube from one of my favourite creators. "I'm gonna really need you to answer me" the guy in the video said. "No" I replied as I was watching my favourite youtuber LaurenZSide and imagined that I was her playing the game. "Never. I'm so caffeinated" I said laughing at how funny the video was. My lack of sleep then caught up to me and I decided to switch off my phone this time so that way I wouldn't get my sleep interrupted again for a 4th time. Soon just putting it to the side of my bed quilt when it was off. Putting my Spider-Man eye mask down over my eyes and then finally going to sleep once more.

I tried to dream about something until I finally had something. Imagining that I was riding my bike from when I was a teenager and my old family dog Star was running right beside me. I don't know why because growing up I felt that the dog was more my little brother's instead of a family dog and Star seemed to not like me much if at all. The slightly strange dream though getting ruined though by the sound of cars screeching to a halt and people screaming and running away from something. I opened my eyes and found myself in an alleyway or the side of a building and it looked like it was early middle of the day. I saw a car that was black. But couldn't really tell what type it was as my dad is more into cars then me. I quickly got out of my bed. Taking my phone, charm bracelet, journal and my funko pop of Agent Smith. Not forgetting my teddy Snowy before I quickly opened the trunk and hid inside with all of my stuff that I could carry to think of first. I felt the car move quickly as someone seemed to get into the car in a hurry before it started to speed away. Hearing the sound of screeching tires and I was about to yell at the person to slow down before I heard a second person talking. The two of them saying 'go bad or go home' and then started to laugh as it sounded like police cars were behind us. I tried to use my phone to call someone but the device just said I was out of a local network range yet I kept trying to see where I was. All while I think one of them was trying to...monolog or something? 'Do people really monolog when being chased by the authorities?' I thought. All as I had to deal with spinning, turning and I think I even heard someone yelling for a wolf not to eat them. 

I debated on if I should just open the trunk and jump out but I didn't want to get myself hurt from the speed that we were going at. Or accidently get myself ran over by the police. Or let these people have my stuff that was still in the car with me. So I just stayed where I was. I then thought at one point that I heard a fart and it made me mentally giggle a little. One of the new voices saying that someone forgot something. Yet the person who I guess farted before said that he did so when he was nervous. I guessed it would be understandable for a criminal to be nervous as they didn't want to go to jail. But the voice from before said they farted when they were nervous about lying. The last thing I heard being a 'sorry' before I could surprisingly smell a lot better. And it was like one of my worst nightmares!!! "It smells like something just crawled in here and died. Gugh. Somebody stop the ride. I wanna get off. I need air" I said. Part of me not really caring anymore if these bad guys could hear me or not and see that they had an unknown kinda accidental hostage of sorts. The smell making me feel like passing out or something as it seemed to smell more horrible over time. My eyes getting heavy before I felt my eyes close and for a while everything just went back to my dream world. After having a much nicer dream that put a smile on my face I thought I heard something open before a gasp from a bunch of people. I then felt myself getting my shoulder shaken a little before I felt like I could actually breath in air again. "...air" I mumbled with a smile still on my face. Yawning a little before I played some music on my phone with my earphones in and started to dance to wake myself up more. 

"Sorry to stop this little dance routine you got going here. But how did you get here?" a voice which made me think of someone from Brooklyn spoke. "If your thinking of stealing something. You've picked the wrong place" a second voice said. "This is just perfect what happened. I had a dream like the movie Inception and...No way..." I said to myself. Before seeing I was in what looked like a lair or hideout or something with louds of safes, gold bars, cash...and I think even the Mona Lisa was somewhere in the corner of somewhere that really was nowhere even close to either my apartment or the building my apartment is in all together. "...motherloads of wealth...hearing people talking who I've never met before...the only logical explanation here Teo is that your still everything is still okay. Hello" I said as part of me felt a little scared before I started to put myself into denial. The second voice said that I didn't answer their question but the first voice from when I woke up again just chuckled as I put down both my journal and my phone on a table. "Why hello there Teo. I really am flattered about what you just said. I's not everyday someone has a dream about the big bad wolf" the voice said making me turn around and see a wolf with grey fur and yellow eyes wearing a suit and tie along with a smirk on his face. I then turned to look at who was next to him and saw a snake slither close to him as well. Wearing a red shirt with flowers on it and a bucket hat. The snake had the same look on his face as the wolf's making me back away a little thinking this couldn't really be happening. I mean I have to still be asleep. Or maybe that fart was so bad it's making me hallucinate ages after I've smelt it. 

'Is there going to be a part in this crazy thing where I start to strangely sing ask why my nostrils are whispering to me?' I thought to myself. Not really looking where I was walking before I bumped into someone. Paying more attention to the snake as I thought he was a python and could easily eat me with just one bite. Not really looking at the wolf at all anymore. "The wolf couldn't be right behind me" I thought out loud to myself and looked around to see that it wasn't the wolf but instead a shark wearing a casual look as well and was wearing a shark tooth necklace and my foot had bumped into something as well. "Hey watch were your going" a different voice said. The shock of everything making me feel my eyes roll back and I fell to the ground before everything went black. Once again passing out. Not knowing what would happen next.

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