Chapter 6: The Gala For Goodness

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It was now the night of the gala for goodness and on the news everyone was talking about the upcoming event that would start in a matter if time. To my surprise even I ended up on the news seeing footage of me getting a group hug from my new friends as I was eating breakfast. I was in a limo along with the others yet Marmalade wasn't there with us. I guessed he was in a different limo but I didn't really care. "Okay guys. Pay attention..." Wolf said as he told us what we were going to do. Saying that Snake was going to get the security code for getting the real dolphin, Shark getting a fake one, Webs hacking into the power grid and when Wolf himself saying 'Marmalade' before he has the lights go out and go swap the awards. "The chief gives the award. We get our pardons. And when they find out what's happened we're golden" Wolf said. The others smirking sinisterly before Snake asked if there was going to be a part for me still in the job. Piranha adding that I help him think of a way to steal it in the first place. Yet I wasn't really paying attention to them. I think Wolf reassured them that I did have my own part to play. Before he saw that I was looking nervous. I didn't know these guys were that determined to get it. Did they even know I was finding some random video online funny instead of actually wanting to steal something? "Maybe I should try to convince Wolf not to do this?" I thought but then remembered Snake saying how difficult it was to get Wolf to change his mind. I then frowned for a second as I could feel a sense of dread in my stomach like something was going to go wrong. For all I know they could get desperate enough to shove me under the bus and blame me for it all just to save themselves. "It's okay Teo. We're gonna be fine" Wolf said placing one of his paws on my hand and stroking my thumb. The car stopped and the door opened revealing Marmalade with a happy smile on his face.

"Remember. All eyes will be on you tonight. Not me" Marmalade said before revealing the crew to everyone as The Good Guys. The crowds looked happy and clapped making the guys looked confused while I was still sitting in the limo. Holding onto my teddy Snowy for comfort and to try and not panic. "What's that sound? It's like screaming but not terrified" Shark asked. "Alright guys. Uh let's mingle..." Wolf said and the others left to do as Wolf suggested. The wolf now in a tux probably seeing that I still wasn't there. "Teo?" Wolf asked looking back inside the limo and saw that I was now sucking my thumb and shaking like a leaf from fear while holding Snowy and hugging my knees. "Teo. It's going to be alright. I'm here and so are the rest of the guys" Wolf said going back into the limo to try and calm me down as I tried not to cry and ruin my mascara. "Nothing has changed. I'm still scared I can get taken advantage of by others" I said while shaking a little still scared. "Your not come on. We got a party to get to" Wolf said offering his hand. I wiped the drool off my thumb and took Wolf's hand while holding Snowy in the other. "Everyone. This is my friend Teo" Wolf said and he led me out of the limo before people clapped and cheered seeing me. "Hey Teo. I think I see a chocolate fountain over there. You can have as much as ya want. And know that I'm not taking advantage of ya..." Wolf said making me start to drool imagining me at the chocolate fountain. "Okay" I said and walked away heading straight for it. "...not anymore" Wolf said but I didn't hear it over the sound of cameras flashing and taking photos while I looked at the chocolate. My mind tuning him out as I imagined doing something funny that was similar to a LaurenZSide video I watch on YouTube ages ago.

"I see someone is enjoying the buffet table" I heard someone say and turned around growling whilst clutching my Snowy only to see it was the governor with a smirk on her face for a second. "Oh. Sorry governor. I didn't know it was you and thought someone wanted to take my teddy bear" I said feeling embarrassed. Still having chocolate covering my mouth. "It's okay. You didn't know...That teddy bear must be really important to you" the governor said before pointing out that a lot of chocolate was around my mouth from the chocolate fountain. "Yeah. Snowy really is. As for the chocolate I've always been a messy eater since I was a kid" I said and we both laughed. Before she said she made sure there was a chocolate fountain at this party. "Call me Diane" the governor said. "...Teo. And he's Snowy" I replied feeling like I could trust her with things including my real name. Diane soon spotted Wolf and we both waved at him smiling. But I think my mouth was still covered in chocolate. He then appeared to look sad and then walked off. "Was he looking at you or me?" Diane asked me as we looked at each other. "I don't know" I replied and we soon went to doing our own things again. Yet were still a little confused from what Wolf did. I soon found some strawberries and marshmallows and grinned deciding to....taste test one...or two...or several. I burped having eaten a lot of food but stopped when I heard someone on the mic and turned to see it was Piranha on the stage. Piranha then continued to sing with Shark going onto the drums and others joining in making the song pretty good. I wiped the chocolate off my face and put the marshmallows down leaving the buffet table and walking closer to the dance floor. Feeling like wanting to do something else instead of stuffing my face until I accidently make myself ill.

"Hey again Teo" Wolf said making me a little surprised. "Hi again Wolf" I said looking at him and wondering what was going on. "The governor Diane said that she saw me when she was with you and thought that I was avoiding one of ya" Wolf said before nervously laughing again. Yet tried to look at his shoes for some reason this time. "Yeah. it sorta looked like that...were you looking at her?" I asked. "No...I was looking at you" Wolf said making me wonder even more. "Wanna dance?" I asked walking onto the dance floor and Wolf soon followed me as others started to party. As the song continued Tarantula and Snake joined in before the party intensified and even the chief of police started to dance like everyone else. I giggled having fun and Wolf spun me around smiling at me and even his tail started wagging. "Teo..." Wolf spoke getting my attention. "I want you to be with me" Wolf said making me surprised as he gave me one of the things that I'd taken with me into the trunk of his car when I was panicking. The song ended and everyone cheered as Wolf put me onto the stage and then went on himself started to give a little speech. The rest of the crew I could hear muttering behind the both of us. Telling Wolf to do the final part to get the golden dolphin. I looked worried feeling something again in my stomach. Thinking it was dread. Or this time it was just vomit about to come up after eating too much at the buffet table before dancing. Until Wolf put the switch he was hiding behind himself away and gave Marmalade the real dolphin. I started to smile thinking The Bad Guys really were changing. Diane then took the microphone from Wolf and was about to announce that the crew had been given a pardon until she was cut off mid sentence when the lights suddenly went out.

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