Chapter 3: Work Before Play

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My stomach growled and I started to get really easily irritated at stuff. "I think someone getting pretty hungry...kinda like shark before he goes into a feeding frenzy" Pirahna said. Looking a little nervous. Wolf said it was okay before he revealed a take away box filled with a cheese burger and some chips. Shark asked where he got it from but before he could get an answer I quickly lunged for the food and started to devour it. Wolf replied that he stole it when Snake and him were at a diner earlier. Part of me telling myself not to eat it. But I was starving and it was either the stolen burger, whoever on the crew was the most edible or try to eat the furniture. Shark tried to take a chip from my stolen meal. But I quickly growled looking at him. Giving him a scowl as well as my hungry mind was daring him to try and take my food away from me before I was finished. And he backed off. After I was done eating and the others had told me stuff about themselves. Wolf turned on the TV and said that they were on the news. "Listen. We all know how dastardly The Bad Guys are but more then anything I feel sorry for them" said a fox on the screen wearing a power suit. As she continued to talk the expression on Wolf's face became more and more displeased. Like someone had just cancelled his birthday party and then farted in his face on purpose or something. 

"It's nothing but a deep well of anger..." "I ain't angry your angry" The fox continued only for Piranha to interrupt clearly angry. "Denial..." "Not True" Interrupted Webs who denied the claim. "And self loathing" "The only one I self loath is you" Snake interrupted making part of my brain wonder. "I didn't know you could self loath someone else before. The stuff you learn everyday" part of me thought not getting that you can't self loath another person. The fox then said that she was going to be presenting an award for the goodest citizen called the golden dolphin. My mind soon starting to quickly think of something random and making me smirk. "Imagine if someone stole that" I thought giggling about other LaurenZSide videos I'd seen on YouTube. Not realizing I said it out loud getting Wolf's attention. "yeah...Yeah your right Teo. Lets do another job guys. A big one" Wolf said turning off the TV and walking to a window revealing to the others that he wanted to steal the golden dolphin. "I think the new guy here might be a little too ambitious with that Wolf. I mean the golden dolphin has broken every criminal who's tried it. We don't even know if she's experienced enough for it. Let alone ourselves for taking that risk" Snake said. "Okay are you at pickpocketing Teo?" Wolf asked me. "My dad said I stole about half of an entire chocolate cake from the kitchen once" I replied. Snake then asked me about safe cracking to which I replied saying I'd never tried it before. "What about hacking skills?" Tarantula asked. "I only learned how to make animations watching YouTube" I replied. "Disguises and distractions?" Shark asked. To which I just replied saying I thought I was a little good at acting. But my drama teacher only nit-picked my talent until I dropped the subject in school.

"Just great. Our newbie is at best a total novice when it comes to committing crimes. We got a good thing going here Wolf. Friends. Freedom. All this loot" Snake said before Wolf said that the dolphin job was off. "Great" I said before Snake told me I was lucky since Wolf had this twinkle in his eyes after hearing what I said. "Lucky me then...I guess?" I thought looking a little confused for a second at what Snake was saying. "I guess the pig will get his trophy after all" Wolf said. "Yep I guess the pig...wait pig?" I said getting confused again. "What pig?" Snake asked probably just as confused as me. Wolf then revealed that the person getting the award was a guinea pig and snake looked at the picture of the creature hungrily. Wolf saying that apparently it was better then cake. Making both Webs and Piranha start laughing. "Okay fine...but he better be delicious...and we'll need to deal with her as well" Snake said agreeing to the dolphin job. The Bad Guys put their hands in and I just started to feel a little nervous for them. "If things go wrong will they blame me for them getting locked up?" I thought. Not seeing Wolf was looking at me. "Don't worry Teo...your coming with us. But your going to need a crash coarse in what we do" Wolf said and part of me felt like smiling at what Wolf had said. Shark then showed me all of his disguises that ranged from a construction worker to the Mona Lisa making me a little impressed. Wolf said we needed to blend in so I knew although we had to look nice we shouldn't look like we're stealing the show. Even though we were apparently stealing an award. I helped with Shark's make up and having it go well with his dress. "You do look a lot different to me Teo. But I think this look will do you good for this job" Shark said revealing a sparkly black open back dress that looked so good and fit like a dream. It made me want to say that I saw a stain on it so I could just keep the dress all for myself. But it also made me think of a near identical dress my mum had ruined by putting it in the washing machine when it didn't need to.

I finished my disguise off with a wig and when night fell we went to where the event was. I followed Wolf behind him as he went to where the fox we saw on TV earlier was. Wolf said that the sculpture she was standing in front of was trashy to which she said it was just his opinion. "I once saw a dirty sleeping bag being called an art exhibit. But I think this is worse" I said getting both of their attention. "Excuse my friend there governor. I thought she was going to find me a table inside" Wolf said. Looking like he was silently trying to tell me to go away. "I'm Sam parents wanted a son instead of a daughter". The governor said she felt sorry for me and then revealed that the sculpture was all about perspective. Having us look up at a spotlight to which the shadow revealed a swan. Looking way more better then the mouldy looking sleeping bad I saw years ago by far. "See you later Mr Poodleton. I'm going to see if there's a chocolate fountain and what's on the dessert side of the menu" I said and left Wolf to do the rest of his work. Once he got what he was after we all went inside and Wolf whispered for me to go with Shark and stick with him for the night. I nodded my head and we all went into action. Part of me still thinking that the guys weren't actually going to steal something as I hoped that Wolf was right and that I wasn't getting myself into a giant mess.

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