Day one

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Mollys POV:
I wake up in your bedroom, the sun shining through my curtain covered window. Looking round my  tidy room deciding to get up and get ready fit the day in my  arsenal kit, then head downstairs to where my sister and girlfriend are gathered in the kitchen.

Beth- morning
Beth - what do u want for breakfast ?
Molly- not ur cooking for a fact viv can I have some toast pls ?
Viv— course Bethany, can u get the clothes out the tumble dryer
Beth —sure babs  also  before I forget jonas wants Molly to come down the senior training ground as he wants to have a chat with you

I look around the living room and focus on eating my breakfast that Viv has just made me. Alough I can't stop wondering what Jonas wants to talk to me about hopefully it could be moving up to the senior team as that's what you've dreamed of forever but then decide to focus on finishing getting ready and decide to finish getting ready and put those thoughts to the back of ur head

When finished my breakfast I went back to my room to finish getting ready and put some mascara and lipgloss on while straightening my hair to look presentable for meeting jonas.
Finally, I walked back down stairs back to the living room to be greeted by Beth and Viv making out.

Molly - i swear you two have had all night for this why infront of me
Beth- because we love each other y/n and this is what people in love do
Molly- you have a room
viv- we do
Molly- use it
Beth- this is our house your sharing with us
Molly- im your innocent little sister
viv- stop arguing let's go or we gonna be late

After Viv stopped you and Beth's conversation you get in vivs car and drive to the training grounds blasting taylor swift the entire way with me and Viv screaming the lyrics. When we arrived Beth and Viv headed straight to Jonas' office where I just skipped behind until we reached his office and I knocked on they door. When Jonas opened the door my escorts headed of to the gym.

Jonas — Hey Molly I've been watching you play for the under 21s and I've been thinking That we could do with  another striker so with that I would love to offer you a contract here on the team
Jonas — also one of your teammates is moving up with you Lauryn McCabe
Molly-  thankyou so much for this opportunity
Jonas- i'm guessing you know the girls are in the gym would you like me to take you there
Molly- yes please jonas

Me and Jonas walked through to the gym just talking about how I was doing in the under 21s and his plans for arsenal in the future. When you see all the girls doing there own training.

Jonas- I would like you all to meet the second new team mate of the day Molly Mead
Beth- knew it
leah- of course you did she's your sister
steph- congrats Molls can't wait to play with you
katie- Molly oh my god, laurs not stopped talking about you. Can't wait for you to see my skills

I end up having conversations with most of the girls, including Jen, Kim and Lia with most of them congratulating me. Then in the corner of my eye I see lauryn stood on her phone staring in the corner of the room and decide to walk over to her.

lauryn- we get to play with each other again
Molly- laur you knew as well as i did we would both get moved up todether
Lauryn- no one would ever seperate us
Molly-couldn't if they tryed
Lauryn- that's true

Suddenly I see my sister walking over

Beth- gonna be playing with my baby sister now
Molly- your just scared cus you know i'm better than you
Beth- what now
Molly- i said i'm better than you bethany
Beth- i heard what you said Molly i just don't believe you
Molly- with some pro training i will be
Beth- sure sure and you baby mccabe what's katie think of that
katie- katie thinks that she is gonna be responsible and mature now to look after her baby sister
Beth- katie responsible and mature in the same sentence never thought i would here that
Lauryn- i'm not a baby you don't have to care for me
katie- of course i do
lauryn- you don't anyway when have you ever been mature mccard
katie- shush you

katie walks off

Beth- did you make her angry?
lauryn- she's always angry
Molly- i know someone else like that
Beth- who
Molly- you
viv- she's your sister you sort her
Beth- vivianna please

viv walks over

viv- what did you say to your sister
Molly- i called her angry
viv- that's the truth baby
Molly- and that makes me sick let's go test the machines lauryn

Me and Lauryn started are gym tests with the coaches.
after our gym training session we went to lunch.

lauryn-where you wanna sit?
Molly- i don't mint preferably far away from my cheesy sister and her girlfriend.
lauryn- she's sat with viv in the corner so we don't have to worry about them we can go sit with my sister and the Aussies if you like.

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