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We left training walking out of the arsenal grounds and round the corner to the shared apartments unlocking the place and both going straight through to our bathroom both following each other smirking once or twice at each other.

Suddenly, Lauryn takes her training top of and is now standing there in the corner of the room with only here sports bra on and I was staring at her and not able to take my eyes of her

Lauryn — you ok there molly

She laughed and smirks

Molly— ummm y...

My jaw dropped as she takes of her sports bra and pulls me in for a kiss

lauryn- you like the view molly
Molly- love the view lauryn
lauryn- but i believe this current situation is unfair
Molly- what do you mean
lauryn- i'm the only one with a sports bra off yours is still on
Molly- i'll take mine off then

Slowly, teasing Lauryn, I began to remove my training top standing there in my Sports bra and shorts before a,so removing the sports bra becoming bare chested. Also, noticing Lauryns eyes flicker down my body no longer focusing on my face.

Lauryn- good girl that's more like it
Molly- do you want to share a shower to save water?
lauryn- i think we shall

Lauryn jumps into the shower with me follow behind after both removing our shows befpcoming completely bare. After about 2 seconds of stepping under the water I was pulled into an exstremly passionate kiss being pinned against the shower wall with each others hands roaming each others body's. After a while, we calmed down not taking it any further yet deciding to help each other wash and get clean. Then we hear the downstairs door being opened and hearing Beth and Viv chatting. Immediately I jumped out of the shower dryed off and put some joggers and a top on while lauryn finished off in the shower.

Beth- what's going on in the bathroom

I opened the door and shut it behind me trying to process something to tell her in my head.

Molly- lauryn forgot her towel i was getting it for her
Beth- while having your own shower?
Molly- i had my shower first
Beth- sure you did

You walk off from that conversation already it being awkward but also having no clue what to say to Beth. You watch Lauryn walk out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel and walked back to our room and I followed behind her closing the bedroom door behind us.

Lauryn- omg we nearly got caught
Molly- sadly because of our sisters i don't think it'll be the last

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