Sighning and grease

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After lunch, a few of the girls decide to go to the chill room so me and lauryn decided to follow them still giggling at the fact that Steph and Caitlin were having an in depth debate at lunch about whether pinnapple belongs on pizza, which it does, and about the first time Steph and Caitlin met when they were younger. Having our slow walk along the corridors of the training ground made it feel so real. This is now my life. I am officially a professional footballer. I have made it.

We reach the chill room where me and lauryn are met with Jonas

Jonas- can you two come with me to sort out your contracts and kit please
Molly- of course let's go

We reached Jonas office where Lauryn decides to go first sighting a two year contract deal and having the number 40. Then I go signing my two year deal smiling at all the cameras being flashed in my face knowing I will remember this day for the rest of my life. When it came to choosing my number up until now I had played n.15 but as that was taken by Katie I decided on 45 so mine and lauryns numbers was close together.

When we were both done we walked through with Jonas to the kit room to talk to the team about our sizes to be able to get the kit ready and personalised. Although Beth already plays with Mead on the back of her shirt I didn't want to play with M.Mead or Molly. So I decided to have it as well knowing it'll be fine with Lauryn deciding she will also just have McCabe on the back of hers.

We all walked back to the chill room together Jonas as well as apparently he has something to announce. The three of us reached the room and we sat on the corner of the sofa next to Leah and Jonas stood at the front of the room ready for his announcement.

Jonas — Girls, ok so we as staff has decided that we would like you all to house share to be able to bond and get to know each other on a stronger level hence why you were asked to choose a roommate  for this season you will be sharing apartments there are 6 people in each one so for the first one we have Viv, Beth, Caitlin, Kaitie, Lauryn and Molly.

He goes through the rest of the apartments for the other girls and we all decide as trainings over for the day to go back to the apartments and move us in although apparently all our stuff had already been moved by the team. I saw Beth and Katie talking about when we were leaving they decided to leave now. We got back into are cars that we drove in this morning ready to meet each other back at home. Again Viv cranked up the music playing Miss Swift again this time playing her favourite song, Cornelia street, again and again and again. Once we arrive back to the apartment you find out that there are three bedrooms each containing two double beds.

Beth- I'm guessing the rooms are obvious
Katie- I would think so
Viv- so me and Beth, you and Caitlin, then Molly and lauryn
Caitlin- yeah that works
Molly- that's fair I wouldn't want to share with any of you oldies
Beth- Molly stop being rude we're not old
Lauryn- I'd be to scared of you being lovey dovey actions if I had to share with you couples

I giggled to lauryns response being really focused on what she had to say for no reason other than we had been best friends ever since she moved from Ireland to live with kaitie when she was 16. Right?

We all scattered off me and lauryn headed updtairs to claim our room the rest of the girls settling down on the L-shaped sofa in the living room to watch a film.

Molly— looks like we're in the love bug house with our sisters and their girlfriends.
Lauryn — I know we're gunna get no sleep with them four.
Molly— real anyways the girls are watching Greece downstairs did u wanna head down and watch it with them since there's not much to do in our room.
Lauryn— yeah sure, love that film

So me and Lauryn headed back downstairs into the living room where everyone is watching the film and cuddled up in their respective pairs. We walked in and sat on the end part quite close and tucked into each other because Lauryn was so tired I said she could sleep on me. We were trying to watch the film but I just couldn't take my eyes of Lauryn, she looked so interested in the film and just overall very pretty, but she soon falls asleep and you pull her up onto your chest so she could be more comfortable and not just lying on my rib cage.

Katie— omg Beth look these two I have to take a pic of them
Molly— oh I hate u Katie
Katie— love you to Molly
Beth — does someone have a little crush?
Katie- by how she's looking at my sister I wouldn't call it a little crush.
Molly— can u both shut up I'm trying to watch the film

They look at each other and laugh which you sigh and then all continue watching the film  with Lauryn still lead with her head on ur chest. Throughout the film I kept checking she was still asleep and comfortable with the thoughts of what Katie said running through my head. And though me and Lauryn are best friends we've always talked about our own relationships like last year I was with a girl called Rachel until she left arsenal suddenly and Lauryn was dating Naomi someone from her u21s Ireland squad but that finished pretty quickly when she cheated on Lauryn with her friend. But neither of us ever had thoughts to stop these relationships we let each other be happy with our own partners. But now we are both single, both living in the same house, both playing for the same professional team. No surly not. Surly, Lauryn wouldn't feel the same way.

I noticed that the film had finished and my sister and Viv had rolled over to lie on each other having a talk about whatever and Katie and Caitlin looked like they were debating on whether to go up to bed yet or not.

katie- how you planning to get her to bed she'll kill you if you wake her
Molly- i'll carry her it's fine
Caitlin- have fun with that

Caitlin starts laughing with Katie getting up off the sofa marching up the stairs both of the, going to there room.

Beth- good night mols love you lots
Molly- night Bethy love you see ya in the mornin
Viv- night Molly
Molly-night Viv

Then they head up to their bedroom leaving me and sleeping Lauryn alone on the sofa. I sunk further into the sofa becoming more relaxed now that our sisters have left the room. After about 10 minutes of laying there I decided to bring me and Lauryn upstairs. I picked her up cradling her in my arms then walked back through the house up until our room when i placed her on her bed by the window put her blanket over her then walked over to my bed and then decided to get my pjs out to get ready for bed.

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