Arsenal vs Brighton

781 13 0

As a group, we walked through the tunnel and out onto the emirates pitch. Looking around there was tons of fans surrounding all here for different reasons but come together for the match. I jogged over to Lotte and Leah who was calling me over; we passed the ball around until we got called over by the coach's to start proper warm up.

We started off doing a short sprinting drill around the cones stopping when we reached the last one. Moving onto a variety of stretches and other exercises. We then did a ball drill game in groups of 6 so 3vs3 working on ball control and keeping possession. Finishing off with joining the goal keepers practicing a variety of shots including corners, free kicks and penalty's.

After we walked back through the tunnel back into the changing room to speak to Jonas before kick off.

Jonas- Alright, I want your best today I have switched the line up around a bit because of who it is and I think we should be able to win by a couple of goals. I don't want us to get too cocky and would like us to be able to contain ourselves and use these bursts as opportunities to show your best selves in the pitch today.

Kim- I agree with Jonas always keep your head down but don't be afraid to show off I know there are plans to use quite a lot of our subs today so don't be disappointed if you get subbed off everyone will get there chance. Come into a circle then. ARSENAL ON 3. 1,2,3

Everyone- Arsenal

Kim- Let's go girls.

The girls who were starting lined up and us subs walked back out to the bench herein the fans clap and cheer as we sat down. I was sat next to Lauryn and Jen so I was feeling relaxed surround by supportive people.

Lauryn- you alright darlin?
Molly- all good I'm really excited to play actually
Lauryn- that's good excited for our date?
Molly- I am but just focused on the game at the minute
Jen- date?
Lauryn- where you get the would date from Jenifer
Molly- we are talking about our mates in the u21s
Jen- sure you are

We carry in talking about little things before the players walk out of the tunnel. I was so focused on my emotions and our conversation I was suddenly snapped out by the Wistle being blowed by the ref starting the game.

We started off with the ball immediately having all the touches and pushing up straight on the attack giving Viv the goal and Beth an assist 3minutes into the game. After the first goal Brighton tryed to push back making sure there was nothing significant happening until Poppy Patterson yellow card. I recognised her from playing youth at England we used to be close yet haven't spoken in a while. There was more action just before half time at the 40th minute when McCabe took a corner and rounded it straight into the goal not even needing a header. The girls reset trying to just not allow any goals keeping the Brighton girls out of the arsenal half. Not long after the ref blow the wistle indicating half time. The score being two nil the girls head in to the changing rooms with some of the subs following yet some staying out.

Molly- Let's warm up again Jonas said he would come speak to us later
Lauryn- yeah sounds good

We both started to warm up repeating some of the exercises and drills from earlier. After about 10 minutes we both finished and decided to go into a pass and move drill.

Molly-  buzzing to play now
Lauryn- me too can't wait to officially be a gunner
Molly- we are gunners but you mean play
Lauryn- yeah play

Then the girls flowed back out of the tunnel splitting off with some sitting down opand others joining us on the pitch we also had Jonas come over to us.

Jonas- okay girls you two are blithe coming on now I'm guessing you've both been watching closely so what I would like is the Same sort of thing but more pressure and a few more goals if you can get yourself onto the goal sheet that's great. Now Molly your be coming on for Caitlin and Lauryn your coming on for Steph.
Molly- that sounds great Jonas
Lauryn- yeah thanks Jonas

The girls made their starting positions on the pitch, Lauryn and I standing on the side waiting for our numbers to be shown on the board before running over to join them. I was taking deep breaths. The moment I have waited for my entire life was here and I didn't get to share it with my mum. My mum was always mine and Beth's biggest supporter she came to all the matches she could and when we were told she had cancer I was distraught. We spent as much time together before she passed and one of the last things she said to me was "you will go far" I kept that in my heart forever I want to prove her right.

I looked up to the board seeing my number and ran to my staring position on the right wing waiting now just for the wistle to be blown before starting the game back off. It started off strong us intercepting the ball off them on the left the passing it up the wing to Lauryn and I ran into the box receiving the ball and without thing I shoot. Straight passed the Brighton keeper gaining not only my first arsenal goal but also my first senior goal. I could hear the arsenal crowd go wild. I had the girls come and jump on me celebrating the goal with me.

Beth- mum would be proud
Molly- thankyou

That comment from Beth made me push on scoring another in the 62nd minute from a corner taken by Katie and the last goal of the game coming from Beth in the 86th minute, making the final score a whopping 5-0 to us.

First senior game scoring a brace playing 45minutes I felt proud looking into the stands catching eyes with my dad and brother both wearing Mead shirts but not with the number 9 on they were mine. I could have cried but no emotions were flowing. Arsenal first game back to the wsl a random day in October I made my debut.

Little did I know the baller I would become...

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