Chpt. 1: Revamped Timetravel Machine Thingy

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I stood in Testtube's laboratory. But no Testtube. She was still in Season 3. Well, she got eliminated but she's still on the show?? Idk.

I was bored and decided to explore. Then I remembered Testy's Lab, so I went there!

It was big but kinda bland. Eh, I guess most labs are, right?

But before I could continue further, I saw something that peeked my interest.

A revaped timetravel machine thingy!

A few years ago, on II season 2, me and Testtube took a little timetravel adventure. It was super fun.

I didn't quite know how it worked but sure as hell wanted to try it anyway.

I pushed over a vile of liquid, that was sitting on the counter. It's contents spilled on the floor, making a huge mess.

Then I pushed a few buttons on the machine and... it worked! I was sent a few minutes before. No gross liquid on the floor.

But wait- there was also no "double-me"?

I noticed a small note next to where the machine sat. I picked it up and read it.

Prototype 1.5
To avoid a paradox, this will send an object into the body of their past self instead of just sending them in the past to meet an alternate version of themself. Hopefully, this fix will avoid any unwanted paradoxes.
Who am I kidding, this is a terrible idea!'

Yeesh... but cool.

I wanted to play around with it a little more, even if Testtube would say it's a bad idea. But where should I go?


My face turned down into a frown as I thought of where to go.

Even though it hurt, something called me back there.

The night Painty got eliminated.

I put the date in and wait.


I stumbled. Suddenly caught off guard.

"Whoa, are you okay, Lightbulb?" Testtube asked, concerned about me suddenly being off balance. Her liquid illuminated in the night.

I hadn't seen her in, like, three years! I resisted the urge to hug her.

I hadn't seen her in, like, three years! I resisted the urge to hug her

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"Y-yeah, 'm fine. Just a little dizzy from our trip, hehe." She gave me a sympathetic smile. Then a smug one.

"Well, that's what you get for messing with time!" She pointed her finger in the air to make her point. I nudged her with my elbow and she laughed.

Boy, did I miss her.

As we walked, I saw more people I hadn't seen in forever. Fan ran over and told us to hurry up, that the voting's gonna start soon. Microphone walked slowly and unsure. She looked around like someone was watching her. MePhone, already at the voting area, looked at his contestants with frustration. Ah, I missed my people.

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