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Paintbrush closed the door and walked down the hall to check on Fan, like they had told Lightbulb.

The closer they got, the louder his yells became. It sent shivers down their spine knowing that their friend was in so much pain.

When they got there, they saw he was still fighting Trophy and Soap.

"Let me go!!"

"Not until you calm down!" OJ demanded.

"Ahh!" Suddenly, Fan put his head down and bit Trophy's arm. He shouted in pain, letting go of him.

"OW! You little brat! You're gonna regret that." He threatened, but Paintbrush stepped in before he could do anything to him.

"Hey! There's no need for that."

"Didn't you see what he did to me! The little monster bit me!"

Paintbrush looked behind themself to see Fan had collapsed on his knees. Not fighting anymore, in complete silence.

"I can handle him."

Trophy scoffed. But left them anyway. Soap offered to help disinfect his wound in the infirmary.

Fan began to cry.

No one really knew what to do. They just stood there. Until Paintbrush walked up to him. They kneeled on the ground to his level and offered him a hug. They weren't much of a hugger but they could tell Fan need some comfort.

Fan looked up, face red and puffy. He immediately wrapped his arms around them and buried his face in their chest.

They stayed like that for awhile. Fan wailed, greiveing the loss of his kid. But he eventually went quiet, seemingly falling asleep.

"OJ..." Paintbrush whispered, "he's asleep."

"Okay... can you... take him to his room?" OJ asked hesitantly.

"Sure." They scooped Fan up and basically cradled him as if he were a child. They slowly stood up.

"Where... is his room?"

"Oh! Well, I assume Testtube found her room?" I was going to have them room together but, for her safety, I don't think that's a safe bet. We'll have to move one of them."

He flung his arms, seemingly giving up. "Eh. I'll figure it out. Just follow me."


Mmm angst

This chapter doesn't really have much to do w/ the story
I just wanted to write it

So have a little break chapter

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