Chpt. 2: Weird

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I told MePhone that I didn't want to play in the game anymore. He seemed a bit upset but eventually allowed it.

Now back at the Hotel, OJ picked out a room for us! It was cozy, but I was just glad Painty was with me.

We spent the next few days getting to know eachother better. Doing fun activities, like finger painting! I wasn't that good though. We played games and ran around like two little kids, well, I ran around.

Until the next eliminated contestant came. Fan, as expected.


Me and Painty walked through the hall, I skipped.

"Why're you so excited? We don't even know who it is yet." I snickered at their remark.

"Who do you think it is?" I pointed at them, now walking backwards.

"Hmm..." they had their thinking face on, to show they were deeply pondering the question. "Who are left, again?"

"Baseball, Suitcase, Knifey, Mic-y, Testy-tube, aaaaand Fan!" I counted my fingers as I listed them off.

They looked in my eyes and plainly said, "Mic."

I stopped in my tracks, nearly tripping over myself. "Wha- why!?"

They laughed at my clumsiness. "I don't know. She's kinda..." they twirled their hand around, "...y'know?" I gave them a confused look before I heard a thud behind me.

I turned around to see Fan! On the floor. Now that I remember it, he did get pushed instead of just walking through the portal. Though I guess that was normal.

"FAN!" I yelled happily.

"FAN!" I yelled happily

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"Damn, Fan." Paintbrush said, raising an eyebrow at the sight before them. "I expected more from you." They joked.

"Painty!" I called them out, laughing.

Fan stood up and sighed. "Sorry to disappoint." He said in an unlike him, somber tone. Bringing the mood down.

"Whoa, I- it was just a joke. I didn't actually mean to upset you." Painty went over to us to make sure he was okay.

He dusted himself off. "Yeah, I know. S-something happened with-" he hesitated, looking at the floor, "Testtube."

"Ah shit. I'm sorry." Paintbrush said guiding him to the common area/living room.

"I-im fine, really, it was nothing." He said through an obviously fake smile.

I remembered what happened. Fan got eliminated but Testtube refused to let him take the little egg with him. Seemed to mess the poor guy up a bit. But it all turned out okay next episode! He loses the egg, but him and Testtube make up. Then they make that robot kid. Happy ending!

With that in mind I followed Painty and Fan.


That night I had the strangest dream.

At first I was in some sorta wasteland island. I had the timetravel device in hand. I saw Testtube was yelling at me but I couldn't hear anything. Then before I knew it everything went black. Not like I passed out or anything, I was in a void. Nothing but black nothingness for miles. I tried to scream, to yell, to make any sound, but nothing came out. It was suffocating.

Then I woke up. Weird.

That day, me and Painty decided to watch the show live, as it came out. Painty sat at the top of their bed, laying on their pillows with Baxter. And I laid on my stomach, at the end of the bed, so I could see the TV better.... and eat snacks off the floor.

The show played out how I remembered it, except.... Fan wasn't there.

Okay...maybe he'll show up later and I'm just remembering it wrong. I thought.

But he never did. Even when the egg ship showed up. So, instead of taking Fan, it took Testtube. I watched intently, now fully invested in what was going on

And sure enough, everything that happened to Fan, happened to Testy instead

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And sure enough, everything that happened to Fan, happened to Testy instead. Except Fan didn't show up to save her, just Taco and Mic. Who, instead of killing her, just knocked her out.

Mic won the challenge, same as before.

As they began to gather to vote, Mic seemed to be... sad? Definitely upset. Testtube stepped towards her. I remember they didn't really get along after what Mic and Taco did.

She stood infront of her with an aggressive stance, like she was about to start a fight. Microphone began to fidget anxiously.

But instead of a fight, Testtube reached her hand out for Mic take. She didn't know what just happened, but took her hand apprehensively.

"Good game, Mic." Testtube told her with a smile. A quick switch from the energy she was giving off moments before.

"W-wha -But- you- huh?" Microphone stuttered with a dumbfounded look.

"You saved me. Even if I'm still mad about you stealing and all.... I have a feeling I'm going to be voted out tonight," she began, "so, against my better judgment, I don't want to leave off on a bad note. So, I-I'm hoping on you to win. Out of everyone left, you're probably the most sane, besides Baseball maybe." She laughed awkwardly at her own comment.

Microphone was still quite shocked when Testtube leaned in to whisper in her ear, "I'm actually worried for you. I.... saw Taco. You know she's dangerous." She stepped back a bit and put her hands on Mic's shoulders. "I don't know what you're doing with her, but I suggest you fix this and leave her."

With that Testy smiled and left.

At the elimination, I noticed Mic didn't eliminate herself, I wonder why? Maybe Testtube words actually got to her.

As we watched Testtube get eliminated, I wondered what was going to happen when she came back.

And I wondered what I got myself into.


You guys like Mic and Testy's new dynamic??
See Mic replaces Lightbulb in the game
Butterfly effect, destiny type shit

Some stuff don't entirely fit canon but I don't really care :/

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