Chpt. 3: Do You Have Any Idea What You've Done!?

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I didn't skip through the hall excited this time. My mind was on a billion different things at once. Nerves high and worried something bad was going to happen.

Paintbrush noticed my change in behavior, "Lightbulb... are you okay? You don't seem like yourself."

"Huh?" I jumped at their voice, not expecting it. "Oh, yeah. Just... excited heh heh." I said awkwardly.

I could tell they didn't buy my excuse but they didn't say anything else on the matter.


We got there right as Testtube stepped through the portal. We greeted and I walked over.

"Um Testtube...?" I asked hesitantly.

"What is it, Lightbulb?" The patience in her voice motivated me a bit.

"Do you have a minute? I have... something I need to tell you." I knew the timetravel device was originally hers and she was super smart, so maybe she could help me here. Tell me what I should do.

"Sure thing! Let me just talk to Fan first." Fan had been standing in the corner. Clearly upset about what Testtube had done.

She walked over to him as I listened in on their conversation, curiously.

"H-hey..." Testtube said, barely above a whisper. Fan gave her a glare.

"Hi." He said bluntly.

They stood in silence for a few minutes that felt like hours. But Fan eventually cut the awkward silence.

"Where's Egg?" He looked her directly in the eyes, causing her to involuntarly shiver.

Her body language was clearly uncomfortable and awkward. Like it was taking everything in her not to run away like a coward. But she stood her ground and calmly said, "They're gone, Fan."



"What do mean he's gone?!"

"Their family came to get them. Their home, Fan."

His anger quickly became desperation as he asked, "W-will they come back?!" Testtube didn't say anything but shock her head sadly.

He was in shock. He stood like a statue. The room was silent.


"You took them from me!!" He screamed at Testtube.

"F-fan, please-" She begged.

"That was my last chance to see them and you TOOK THEM AWAY FROM ME!!"

The commotion caused some people to come by and see what was going on. OJ, Trophy, and Soap stepped into the room with concerned and curious looks.

Just as they did, though, Fan raised his fists at Testtube. Trophy dashed behind him, restraining his arms, but he fought back.

"LET GO OF ME!!" He struggled and pushed against Trophy's arms. "She's getting what she deserves!"

"Ugh-! Soap, a little help?" Trophy slightly glared, begging for assistance. She quickly stepped in, pushing Fan back. It didn't do much, though.

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