Chpt. 5: Taco

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I arrived in the room at night. Paintbrush was asleep in their bed across from me. I quietly made my way to the door. It creaked as I opened and closed it.

"What are you doing?"

I nearly screamed as I heard a voice come from behind me. I turned around to face Trophy.

"None of your business." I mumble.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, "Cause it's, like, 2 in the morning and your sneaking out of your room like an idiot."

I pushed past him. "I have things to do, Trophy. I don't need your 'words of encouragement'."

"If you leave you'll be locked out 'till the afternoon."

"I'm not worried about that."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, bitch." I ignored his insults and left the hotel, making my way to the woods.

I soon found Taco. She looked like she was scheming somethin'. Figures. I cautiously approached her.

"Heeeeeyy, Taco gal?"

Taco turned around, looking like she just got caught red handed. She swiftly pulled out her signature pink gun and pointed it at me. I put my hands up to show I wasn't a threat.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" She snarled at me.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down, calm down. I just want to talk."

"Talk?" She scoffed, "Please, I wasn't born yesterday. What do you really want?"

"Well..." I put my arms down slowly. "I need you help."

"My help?" She lowered the gun a little.

"I need you, and Mic! To convince the others to keep Testtube in the game."

Taco stood silent, glaring at me. "Why?"

"Just.... because?" I pleaded, shrugging my shoulders.

"No. Why would I do that? Testtube's our biggest threat and news flash, we're actually trying to win."

"Ha! You did great at that-" I quickly cover mouth, realizing what I said. Taco looked at me suspiciously.

"What do you mean by that?" She said with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, nothing." I say nervously, trying to hide the device behind me. But she notices me fidgeting with something behind by back.

She fires her gun to scare me, which works. "YIKES!" I say startled, causing the device to slip. Taco swiftly grabbed it.

"No no no." I say as I stumble and fall down unbalanced.

"What's this, huh? A taser? A gun? You trying to kill me!?"

"No! It's..." I close my mouth before I blurt out anymore information.

I watch as Taco inspects the device

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I watch as Taco inspects the device. "Wait, I recognize this! This is that timetravel thing, yes?"

I meekly nod and stand up again.

"What are you doing with this?"

"Well I guess cat's outta the bag. I come from the future. But that doesn't matter, I need Testtube to stay, ok?"

"...Even if I did believe you, still, why should I. Why should I sacrifice my win for your .... whatever?"

"Because you don't win." I say bluntly.

"What do you mean?"

I sigh, frustrated. "Mic leaves you. Unless you find someone else to team up with, your kinda screwed."

"Mic wouldn't do that."

"Wanna bet?" I joked.

"Why would she do that...." Taco mumbled to herself as she turned away from me.

I need to prove it to her. Maybe then she'll agree? She doesn't need to know why I'm doing it, she just needs to trust me. So... I need to trust her.

"Want me to prove it to ya?"

She turned around, "Really?"

"Yep! Here." I put in the date for later tonight, and handed the device to her. She took it, apprehensively.


In this moment, Taco had so many options. She could do what Lightbulb expected of her, go back and see "proof". Or.... she could go back and see... Pickle.

But she recognized Lightbulb's desperation. She sighed and clicked the button.

"Is that what you said to Pickle?"

Microphone's voice rang through her head and Pickle's name simply ached her heart.

"Make him think he was doing what he wanted? Like he was heard?"

She wanted to shout no! That that wasn't true, it never was. But that would be another lie, right? She remembered her angered words to Pickle and cringed at the thought.

"I thought I gained a friend. Turns I gained nothing."

But it wasn't nothing! It wasn't nothing to her. She just pretended it was. Because that what she does! She lied to everyone and she's lying to herself.

"Mic-" She hesitated. It would probably be a bad decision to mess with time anyway. She decided to go back to Lightbulb.


"So.... believe me now?"

Taco turned around, a bitter look on her face. She tossed the device to me and sighed.

"Fine. I'll.... see what I can do." With that she clicked a button on her bowtie and disappeared.

Welp, I guess my work here is done.


Dang girl she really has it out for Testtube huh

A Taco centric chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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