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" cheap tape and messy stitches "


(chapter contains strong language, and a brief mention of ollie's dad being an asshole)


          OLIVER SOLACE WAS SUNSHINE. He was kind, and considerate. Smart, loyal, pretty, had lots of friends. The Hufflepuff golden boy.

And Regulus was the Slytherin Prince. He was ahead in every class. People fawned over him, but never approached him out of fear. People saw him as cold, and cruel. The Black family jewel.

Regulus despised Oliver. Why? He didn't know. Envy? Jealously? Perhaps just pure spite.

Of course, Regulus knew nothing of the disgusting, angry heart that beat under Oliver's chest. He knew nothing of Oliver's past, of what caused him to want to be so kind to everyone. Of what held him back from letting out everything he held in his heavy heart.

It is a miracle how Oliver walks with such wonderful posture, considering his heart must weigh several tons by how much he is holding back. He'll tell his friends and family he's fine, when in reality he is about to be crushed under the weight of his own heart.

With Oliver's pretty words and prettier face, everyone believes him.

So he will be left alone, on the verge of breaking,seemingly held together by only cheap tape and messy stitches.


          OLLIE HAS NEVER BEEN LATE FOR THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS. At least, he's never been this late. This was his fifth year going to Hogwarts, and his first year having to run to catch the train on time.

He mumbled various swear words in Spanish, sprinting to get on the train in time. The door was just about to close right as he got in, and he fell on the ground, panting in exhaustion.

He had woken up about 10 minutes before the train was supposed to leave, and he had to use floo powder to get to King's Cross. Of course, his sister Tommy had not woken him up.

Thankfully Ollie wasn't too bulky, all he had was the cage he kept his pet rat Marlowe in and the trunk that he put an expansion charm on. He slowly sat up and started walking through the train,looking for his friend Remus specifically.

There was one person ahead of him, and Ollie couldn't quite tell who it was from the back of their head. He shrugged, and decided to go ask that person if he had seen Remus, tapping them on the shoulder first. Ollie regretted it.

Of course, the person in front of him had to be Regulus Black, who absolutely despised Ollie.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I uhm, I didn't know it was you. I swear I wouldn't have tapped you if I had known. I can- I can go? I'm sorry." Ollie rambled, tapping his foot awkwardly. He wished he didn't have his hands full. He hated not being able to do anything with his hands.

"What do you want?" Regulus said with an annoyed tone and a sigh. At least he wasn't denying to help Ollie.

"Oh. Uhm.. Have you seen Remus Lupin?" Ollie asks nervously, trying to avoid making eye contact with Regulus. For such a nice color, Regulus' eyes made green look so uninviting. At least with Ollie.

A PRETTY FACE DOESN'T MEAN A PRETTY HEART, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now