chapter seven

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chapter seven

" late "


(chapter includes strong language. nothing else though, since this is a relatively short filler chapter because i emotionally cannot write angst right now. i can't. but! ollie and remus fluff bc their friendship is my roman empire)

(regulus pov for a bit this chapter)

(nevermind, gets a tiny bit angsty at Regulus bit. sorry. he's a little emo. Brief mentions of child abuse.)


          OLLIE WAS AWOKEN BY REMUS LUPIN SHAKING HIM. "C'mon, Ollie. I'm sorry, but can you get off? I can't breathe-" He said, voice slightly strained. Ollie mumbled something incoherent, rolling over slightly to get off of Remus' chest, before turning onto his side and curling up on the edge of the bed.

"Shit.." Ollie grumbled, turning onto his back and looking up at the top of the four-poster bed. "It's Wednesday. Remus, it's Wednesday."

"I have an exam in potions." Remus groans.

"I have one in transfiguration."

"...What time is it?"

Remus looked at him for about two seconds before he said, "I don't hear Sirius and James."

As soon as he said that, Ollie jolted out of the bed, Remus following suit, landing on the floor with a thud as they scrambled to a trunk at the end of the bed. Ollie pulled out a random sweater and pair of jeans, quickly getting dressed, having to roll up the legs of the pants a bit so they weren't too long. He made sure to grab his bag before he and Remus quickly stumbled down the stairs, Remus still in the process of pulling his shirt over his head as they got into the empty common room, sprinting out the portrait door, the woman in the portrait shouting at them as they ran past her.

When they finally got down the moving stairs, Remus gave Ollie a kiss on the forehead before sprinting to his class, Ollie running toward his own. When he finally opened the door to the Transfiguration room, he sighed with relief when he realized Mcgonagall was just ending her explanation of the exam, and then tensed up again once he realized everyone's eyes were on him.

"Mr. Solace." She says, eyeing his seat.

He looks at the floor as he goes to sit down, sliding his bag off of his shoulder.

"Ms. Bones, could you please repeat what i said to your seat mate?" She says, nodding at Amelia Bones, who was an absolute blessing of a partner in this class. The girl turned to Ollie, quietly giving him a brief but thorough explanation of Mcgonagall's words as exams were passed out.

Ollie doesn't even stress when the paper is put on his desk. He's managed to push everything out of his head for now, focusing on the parchment in front of him and the quill in his hand only.


               OLLIE WALKED OUT OF TRANSFIGURATION, FOR ONCE FEELING LIKE HE MIGHT HAVE DONE WELL ON THE EXAM. He sighed, starting towards his next class, suddenly feeling nervous. Regulus was in his next class. Regulus.

But he and Regulus were okay, right?

They were okay. They made up in that dingy classroom.

They were okay.


               REGULUS BLACK WAS NOT OKAY. He had spent his entire morning thinking about what had happened in that old classroom- and regretted every second of what happened in there. He was willing to accept the fact that Oliver Solace was a good person and he didn't actually hate the boy, but the fact he had absolutely fallen apart in front of him is what bothered him.

Regulus Black hadn't cried since the day his brother left.

Not when his name was mentioned, not when his parents would hit him- never. And then suddenly, in that classroom with Oliver, the floodgates opened and he crumbled to pieces.

So imagine how he feels, walking into charms class, seeing the face of Oliver Solace, sitting in his assigned seat, oh so conveniently right across the room from Regulus' seat so that every time Regulus looked up he would see him .

Oliver didn't look at him, or wave, or anything at first, but when Regulus sat down at his seat, the boy across from him gave him a bright smile and a wave. Regulus gave him a brief nod of acknowledgment, and looked down at his paper with a sigh.

Barty Crouch Jr took his seat next to Regulus, leaning back in his chair and putting his feet on the desk. "Pretty boy over there's looking at you." He says, nodding towards Ollie, to which Regulus does not look up, instead grumbling something under his breath with an annoyed grimace on his face.

Barty sighed. "Well then, what's the stick up your ass this morning? Let me guess- Slughorn? Evan? Me? Or maybe it's pretty boy over there-"

"Bartemius." Regulus said, looking the other boy right in the eye.

"Alright. I'll take that as a yes." Barty responded with a smirk, pulling his feet off the desk when the professor walked into the classroom.


               OLLIE SIGHED AS THE CLASS ENDED, A BIT DISAPPOINTED ALL HE GOT FROM REGULUS WAS A SHORT NOD. The other boy in fact, walked right past him as they were leaving. Part of Ollie wanted to think he and Regulus were friends after the incident, but he should know better.

At least Regulus wasn't glaring daggers at him the entire class.

Ollie walked by himself to the Great Hall, keeping his head down and his bag tight against his side. When he got to the entrance, he was torn. He would go sit at the Gryffindor table with Remus, but what about Sirius? Peter? And surely James, if Sirius was invloved. So...Maybe he should sit at his own table for that day.

Eventually, he decided on the former, because he thought Remus might be upset if Ollie didn't sit with him.

And oh, did he regret it.


hi erm. i am fresh from reading art heist baby so excuse me if this chapter is doodoo and short. i uh. if you've read art heist baby you uhm. you know. yeah. uh. not doing good. BUT!!! wanted to update and feeling miserable and wanting to die gave me motivavtion to write so :3

anyway here is a picture my friend made of emo regulus. GRAH ok my puter sucks and wont let me tag them but their name is sim and their acc is chocolliee <33 

 GRAH ok my puter sucks and wont let me tag them but their name is sim and their acc is chocolliee <33 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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A PRETTY FACE DOESN'T MEAN A PRETTY HEART, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now