chapter three

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chapter three

" I think I'm going fucking crazy "


(Contains strong language, ANOTHER mention of the chapter one incident, and some brief internal conflict toward the end)


            THE LAST COUPLE DAYS OF THE WEEK WENT BY TOO SLOW. When the time for the first Hogsmeade trip came around, Ollie could hardly get out of bed.

He went because he knew it would make his friends happy.

Ollie got dressed slowly, and took his rat Marlowe down to breakfast with him, walking over to the Gryffindor table and giving his friends a tired wave, moving to sit down next to Remus.

"The first train leaves right after breakfast, so I would greatly appreciate if you all ate quickly." James said impatiently. Peter elbowed him in the side harshly. "Ow,fuck!"

"James, its not leaving right after breakfast. It's like, half an hour." Remus rolled his eyes, and he smiled gently at Ollie, and he smiled back.

"Yeah. Right after breakfast."

"Moony, Padfoot, Ollie, permission to murder Prongs?" Peter said with an exasperated sigh.

"Granted." All three boys answered at the same time.


          ON THE RIDE TO HOGSMEADE, JAMES WOULDN'T SHUT UP. Ollie genuinely debated punching him in the face. He only decided against it because Marlowe was sitting on his shoulder, nuzzling against his jaw. James was always like this on the first Hogsmeade trip of the year.

"How much do you think it's changed?", "Ooh, do you think there'll be new shops?", " Should I buy something for Lily?"

"Hey guys do you think-"

"Shut the fuck up, James." Everyone cut him off. They all answered around the same time, and after they said it, everyone looked at each other and started laughing. Well, all except for James.

The train came to a stop about thirty minutes later, and the group got off, James and Sirius (despite Sirius saying he wasn't excited at all) immediately rushing away from the station and towards Hogsmeade. Tommy left with Peter to go find Mary and Marlene, leaving Remus and Ollie (And Marlowe) alone.

Remus sighed, and smiled at Ollie. "You wanna go to Honeydukes?"

"What kind of question is that, Moony?" Ollie said with a raised eyebrow. He took Marlowe from his shoulder, and put him in the inside pocket of his jacket, where Marlowe poked his head out, his paws hanging on to the edge of the pocket.

"Fair point." Remus laughed, and he took Ollie's hand, leading him into Hogsmeade.


          AFTER SPENDING PROBABLY AN HOUR IN HONEYDUKES, Remus managed to convince Ollie to just buy what was in his hands, which costed more than half of the money Ollie had with him.

A PRETTY FACE DOESN'T MEAN A PRETTY HEART, regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now