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Your late nights with Spider-Punk were beginning to take a toll, as you stayed up late each night hoping to find new stories or more information on the man behind the mask, early mornings were turning into your enemy.
After sleeping through your alarm, again, you were rushing to get everything together so you could get to work.
You sent Janice a text explaining you might be late, hoping they could cover for you if need be.

As you rushed out the door you fumbled all your papers struggling to keep them all together. Making it to a main street you searched for any available taxi. The bustling city moved around you, yellow taxis flew by not sparing a glance, most at this time were already getting people to work. You hoped you wouldn't have to run to work but that was beginning to seem like a very likely option.

With no luck finding a taxi you had to use the only other option. Calling Janice you informed her she may need to stall longer than you had hoped. You walked quickly still struggling with your materials. The streets were crowded, every now and again you'd bump into a person here and there, but no one ever paid any mind. You could barely hear yourself think the blaring traffic and chorus of people's conversations were deafening. Your brain was racing through thoughts so quickly they were unintelligible.

Trying to keep your belongings together and talk to Janice, you didn't pay much attention to your environment.
Stumbling over your own feet, you were about to fall onto the road. However you felt a sudden strong grip on your forearm pull you back to the safety of the sidewalk, before the cars flew by.

"Best to check both ways before crossing the street", a slightly familiar voice spoke. His tone was serious but almost in a joking way. You were met with a very tall man, his thick dreads practically defying gravity. His dark eyes locked with yours for a moment before you quickly looked to the ground. His voice was familiar, but almost fake sounding as if he had a fake accent.

You quickly thanked the man waiting for the crossing signal to turn green once more. You tried to avoid any eye contact with the man, doing your best to hide the slight embarrassment.
You kept on shooting quick glances at the man. He didn't look familiar but you thought you'd heard his voice before. His face was littered with piercings, the metal glittered in the light.
His ripped jeans tightly hugged his body and his shirt had the name of what you assumed to be a band clung to his muscles. He looked completely unbothered he kept his hands in his pockets, his eyes focused ahead.

For a brief moment his eyes met yours, you quickly looked away hoping he hadn't noticed your staring. Thankfully the light turned green and you quickly crossed the street without being run over.

Speed walking to work you began to feel as if you were being watched. But you brushed off your paranoia continuing to walk. As the crowd began to lessen you noticed a figure that continued along your path.
Maybe this was just their path, maybe they weren't following you. You tried to justify it once more but your anxiety ate away at you internally.

Continuing on your way to work the crowd dispersed, however one individual remained on the same path. Glancing over your your shoulder you didn't recognise the man. Ruling out the possibility of him also going to the same place. You felt your heart beat harshly in your chest as you did your best to walk a little faster without making it obvious.

Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder you immediately tensed. But glancing to your side you were able to relax a little. Spider-Punk. How was he always able to find you when you felt there may be danger?

"Have you noticed you're being followed", the masked man asked

"You're sure they're following me?", you answered his question with another question.

"Positive. I noticed him about three blocks back, grey hoodie", he explained but before you could shoot another glance at the man following. Spider-Punk gently grabbed your chin keeping you facing forward.

"Don't look now. He's got a gun", he whispered.

"So tell me Y/N. How are you always managing to get into trouble?", he asked in a teasing manner.

"You think I'm asking to be followed?", you shot back in a whisper trying not to draw a lot of attention.

"No. But trouble always seems to find you", he teased.

You felt his grip shift to your waist tightening slightly. Before being met with the familiar sensation of being whipped into the air.

"So where are you going?, he asked as he casually swung from building to building, keeping a firm grip on you as you wrapped your arms around him hoping to not fall.

"I was trying to get to work", you replied your voice barely audible over the sound of wind rushing by.

Dropping you off outside your work building, you don't recall ever telling him which paper you worked for.
He must've been a fan of your work You smiled at the thought, trying not to laugh. You knew he had read one of  your pieces, but didn't think he'd actually remember where you worked.

"Stay out of trouble", he ordered once more before zipping into the distance.

Checking the time you rushed into the building once more making it to your desk before you could be officially called late. Janice slid over to you on her chair, her face full of confusion.

"How'd you get here so quickly?", she asked before turning her attention to your hair doing their best to try and tidy the mess.

"You'll never believe it", you whispered in return hinting that you would tell them later.

"What happened to your hair? Jeez", she continued still struggling to fix all the loose hairs.

"You'll never believe it", you repeated gently swatting her hands away from your hair fixing it yourself.

Even you could barely believe what had happened. First you were nearly run over, then you were followed, what was next? Maybe Spider-Punk was right, it seemed you were a beacon for trouble. Or maybe you just got caught in a wrong place, wrong time... a lot. Maybe you were unlucky, but at the same time you were lucky. Spider-Punk always seemed to be in the area when you needed him, not only did he save you. But he nearly always gave you new things to write about.

Maybe you were falling for him. But only a little.

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