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The night sky from a point where you could practically reach the stars was when it was most beautiful. To make things better you were with the man who made your heart race.

Every now and again you found your gaze being pulled to your company rather than the view.

His suit clung to his skin in all the best ways, his leather vest and matching pants decorated with studs, scribbles and pins the ripped shirt all added to the obvious punk style he had going on.

"Y'know the stars are up there", he taunted keeping his gaze upwards.

Feeling a slight heat in your face from the embarrassment of being called out you averted your gaze.

"So what's with the guitar?", you questioned changing the topic.

You heard a low chuckle from him as he pulled the instrument off his back.

"Well I actually make music, when I'm not saving New York", he replied seeming rather proud.

"What can you play?", you asked. This was one of the first things you actually got to know about him.

"I can play anything. Given enough time", he replied

"You know I was actually with the band... until I got a rather alarming sense from the beacon for trouble", he added turning to you making it very obvious who he was talking about, if it wasn't already.

"I wasn't in that much trouble", you replied as your counter argument. For all he knew you could've just been taking a walk.

"There's something about you Y/N, something I've never experienced before"

"And what's that?", you replied teasingly. You could practically heard the eyeroll from the man before he replied.

"The spider sense it's almost as if it's linked to you. I always seem to sense when it's you in danger. I can sense danger, but when it's you... it's different", he explained keeping his eyes trained to the sky away from yours, before eventually meeting your gaze.

"Awww that must mean you like me", you teased lightly shoving the man.

"Or maybe it means your getting into danger too often", he replied meeting your playful gaze. For a brief moment your faces were close. Like really close. To the point you could hear his breathing, just barely over the sound of your own heartbeat.

You could kiss him.

The moment the thought popped into your head you retracted yourself from the closeness looking back to the stars. Kiss him? What were you thinking? He's annoying and dangerous and a little hot.

You tried to shake away the thoughts. He was a hero. No matter how badly you wanted something with him it could never happen. His first priority would always be the safety of the city.

Not to mention you didn't even know who he was under the mask, he could have a girlfriend, or many for that matter. You knew nothing about him, except that you were falling madly in love with him. No matter how you tried to deny or justify it that's how you felt.

"What are you thinking about?", he asked starting a conversation.

What could you say
"Yes I just thought about kissing you and how I'd do anything for a chance with you. Even though you're a hero and it'll never work" as if.

"Can you play something on your guitar?", you asked changing the topic watching as he absent mindly tuned the instrument.

"I promise it sounds better when it's connected to speakers and with the rest of the band", he defended trying to dismiss your request.

"Surely there's something you can play without all that", you continued pushing.

He let out a sigh of defeat before plucking a few cords, listening to the sound you admired how he finely manuevered his hands over the guitar, watching him play was so fascinating.

The music filled the awkward silence that would've occured and you couldn't deny, you genuinely enjoyed it.
Unfortunately the music came to an end too soon for your liking.

Swinging his guitar back onto his back, a silence fell between you. You both sat in silence, you couldn't help but sneak glances at him occasionally meeting his gaze, but you could never hold it quickly looking elsewhere causing butterflies to rise in your stomach.

"You should go home Y/N", he mumbled breaking the moment of peace between the two of you.

"It's so nice out here tonight though", you added trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"I know what you're doing Y/N, you shouldn't have come out tonight. This isn't worth throwing yourself in harm's way", he continued.

"I'm not throwing myself in harm's way, I can handle myself", you defended turning to meet his gaze.

"I may not always be around to save you from something stupid", he argued standing and offering you a hand to help you up.

You silently declined his offer standing without his help.
"I'll take you home", he added trying to ease the situation.

"I don't need your help Spider-Punk despite what you may think", you spat voice dripping with venom turning to leave hoping to find stairs or a fire escape.

"Well you can't get off this building without my help", he replied grabbing your forearm and turning you in toward him. Wrapping an arm around you but before you could push him away, he stepped off the building taking you with him.

The way home was silent. You had nothing more to say to him. He was stubborn and so arrogant. 

Letting you down at your house you immediately pulled away from him.

"I'll see you sometime next week", he said voice filled with almost regret. Leaving you alone in the darkness.

Although the night had ended on a bitter not you couldn't deny that it was good before that.
For a moment he seemed to even care about you, but he quickly swept that under the rug with his defensiveness. He closed himself off just as quickly as he had opened up to you.

As you tried to sleep your mind kept flashing back to one moment. When you were close enough to kiss him, you weren't able to deny or excuse it anymore. The feelings you repressed and hid away for so long were finally coming to the surface and there was nothing you could do about it.

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