and now I can see it

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Is this it feels like to have a whole fucking zoo in your stomach when you're in love?

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Is this it feels like to have a whole fucking zoo in your stomach when you're in love?

I had a love-hate relationship with the feeling.

Oscar was finally picking up more work. Most of the time, he was at music studios and came back home late. He would tell me all about her; a Japanese singer named Miko.

"She's an idol, actually," Oscar said some day as I washed my face. "She's my age. Twenty seven."

I had come out of the bathroom and Oscar pushed his phone to me so I could see how she looked like. I nodded and commented: Pretty.

He shrugged and agreed. Oscar may not have known, but his nonchalant comment kept me up all night wondered if Miko, the young and pretty woman, would be able to whisk him away.

But as I'm used to, I shoved it into the contents of my mind and put buried it down deep.

Or so, I thought.

I was fine until Jay showed up, his hair now a pastel green.

"Come down!" Jay demanded. "I know you're free, Ms. Lawyer! Don't you dare lie to me!"

I sighed and made my way down from the office to the cafe, pulling my phone away from my ear as Jay chittered-chattered in the background. I knew he was going to be boisterous today - I could tell with the way he waved energetically, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Your hair is green now," I said, and he nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Why green?"

"I went to The Charm Club the other and puked in Kei's private bathroom. Woke up and thought of green!" Jay Holder shoved the bouquet into my arms. "Let's go for coffee! It's for free – I'll buy one. One caramel macchiato because you made me a free man!"

"You should be done thanking me by now."

"Why? Tetrix was a monster, Ms. Lawyer, and you slayed it! You and you alone!" Jay chirped and I sighed, looking around the cafe. "I made friends with the cashier, by the way. Felt amazing. But she's got crazy eyes."

Jay stopped and smiled at me. "It's always the crazy ones that are pretty. You are not crazy, so you are not pretty."

"Alright, Jay Holder. What do you need me for?" I snapped, knowing he had an ulterior motive for popping up suddenly.

Jay gave me a look that screamed 'I'm offended', but I wasn't going to fall for it.

"Jay," I warned. "Tell me."

"Go to court for me," he said suddenly and I checked my watch. I had another meeting coming up and I would be done for the day. My phone vibrated. "You know my manager that dipped and stole my money? Yeah, I'm facing a lot of shit because of him."

"Ahuh. What did you do?"

"Not me. Him," Jay corrected. "I have, like, a bunch of parking tickets because of him! I mean, he parked my car, with the license plate that I rented with my international driving license, in front of a hospital entrance! In Korea! Now they want to lock me up because they consider that a disruption of public entrances and I don't want to get locked up!"

All That I Know: a story on love and dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now