You got me wrapped around your finger

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"I can't believe we just chain stalked each other!" Jay said and Oscar rolled his eyes. "What an embarrassing situation! I was the one who planned it, by the way. No one here is insecure!"

That night, Oscar and I laughed at the absurdity of the situation, and I admitted that I felt a tad bit insecure. I told him that I loved him.

I know that, Oscar said. As much as you don't say or show it, I know you love me dearly.
I blushed and turned red at the memory of doing something that was out of character.

"Do you not trust me?" Oscar asked and I hummed, telling me that I trusted him with my life.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked back when Oscar admitted that he felt jealous Jay.

"I do. I just love you a little bit too much."

We stared at each other before laughing out loud, chorusing: How ridiculous!

"I trust you. I trust your loyalty – but I do not trust people around you sometimes. What if they see how amazing you are? What if they end up falling in love with you and your smile the same way I did? What if they experienced how good natured you are and how loving you are?" Oscar pecked my lips.

I don't want to share you, he murmured. In any way, with anyone else.
I love you, I answered. I always have and always will. You will never have to share me because I am yours.

What strong words.

That night, Oscar and I stayed on the couch while pouring out hearts out. I told him that sometimes I felt like he deserved someone better. Someone younger. Someone his age.

He shook his head. Flabbergasted that I said such things, he kissed me multiple times and told me to never think that way.

"Idiot," he whispered. "I'll man up now. I'll work hard so you won't ever feel that way... I'll drive you places. I'll help you with the laundry. I'll save up for you. You gave me my dreams, New York. I'll give you yours. Wherever you want to go, I'll go with you."

As he rocked me back and forth, he whispered: Don't take care of me. Let me do it all. I'll become an open book for you, and you'd be the pen writing down the words on each page. You deserve everything I can give you.

"What have I ever done to deserve you, Oscar?"

"All this time, you've taught me all that I know. This time, it's my turn."

He learned how I felt beneath the sheets.
He learned how I sounded like with my head thrown back and with his face between my legs.
He learned the sounded I made once the climax had come, my hands gripping his naked body, feeling the heat of his skin.

He learned how I acted when I was jealous.
How I was when I wanted something done.
What I would do when I refused to get out of bed on a lazy Sunday morning.

He learned of my fears, my dreams, my inability to cook anything other than boxed spaghetti.

Oscar learned them all, and told me he loved it all.

"If it's one thing that did not change over the years, it's still the face that I love you more," he whispered one night, deep inside me.

This story started off as a story of friendship and dreams, and it's going to end as a love story.

A happy ending of two people finding each other through the chaos of what the world has to offer.

Advice? If you ever find the one person who reminds you of violins, whose touch makes you think of the first snow fall on December, and who makes you feel like time has nothing on you – make sure you fight for them.

I hope you enjoyed this story – I hope I painted a picture of a story that was meant to be told of how people grow, and people change, and how some stay constant.

There will be more of this, because some love stories don't end this way and some love stories end in pain.

But for this story, I'd like to say: you can win the trophy and still be with the one you love.

It may not be easy, but it's worth it.


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