26• छब्बीस

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I was in the kitchen cooking Ambika's favorite dish, Sorshe eilish, a Bengali cuisine made with Mustard and Hilsa fish. She was asking for it everyday but I couldn't find the time now that I have nothing to do thought of giving it a try.

"What are you doing?" I heard my favorite deep voice, without turning around I replied,"Cooking."

"Why are not resting? Last night you have went through alot."

"I don't feel like resting, I am fine."

"You know better." He said and left the kitchen, I sighed. Why is he always so authoritative? I feel bad letting myself go vulnerable last night, although whatever he is doing is out of pity but my poor heart will convinced that it's love. I am so delusional.

"Eilish mach? It's my favourite, who is cooking?" Somebody said while entering the kitchen, I turned around to find a guy around the age of Trishul, I have seen him with Trishul before.

"Oh rajkumari, tumi..." He smirked at me widely. "Can I have a taste?"

(Oh, princess, it's you)

"It's undercooked," I replied bluntly.

"I like it like that" he quickly replied.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Your well wisher." He said while walking towards me, the same perverted smirk was still plastered on his face making me feel weird.

"Your husband doesn't treat you well right?" He asked.

What the heck is he talking about! Who is he? And how dare he question something like this, I frowned and back away.

"You deserve a loving husband, so beautiful, so elegant and so kind.... A jewel under a mine. . ." He touched my hair and gave it a stroke, I threw his hand away.

"Aha raag korcho kno... Ami to tomar bhalo-"

(Aha... Why are you getting angry? I was just saying for your own good-)

"Amar bhalo Ami nije bujhe nebo." I replied.

(I can figure out my good by myself)

"What are you doing here?" Trishul's voice came from behind, this man's smiling expression turned to disturbance as he greeted his teeth, with a fake smile he turned around.

"Alcohol." He took out a small bottle from his pocket and gave it to Trishul,"I brought some alcohol for you." I noticed Trishul's facial expression changing into shock, his eyes fall on mine with guilt and then return back to him.

"I don't need this. I quit" he replied and shoved the bottle back to him.

"What? How is that possible?!" That guy asked.

Maybe he was saying all of this because I am standing there, and he fears that I will reveal everything to the family.

"Trust me, I will not say a word to the family. You can do whatever you want, it's your life." I stated, they all looked at me.

"No, that is not the reason. I trust you. But from today I quit, after whatever you said last night.... I can't hurt you anymore while getting drunk... I now realise how much I have caused you pain by triggering your trauma. I will never get drunk and come in front of you again, I promise." He confessed while looking straight at my eyes.

What?! I failed to beleive what he just said. Am I dreaming? I pinched myself on my thigh to understand, ouch! It's not a dream... It's reality. Does he really care for me?

"Are you sure?" The guy asked, he looked at him and replied,''Yes. Please go back. I will meet you at the office after lunch." The guy nodded and left. His gaze again fall on mine.

"Ranna ta purey jabe.."

(The food will get burnt)

I came out of my trance and nodded, I turned around and started cooking. I felt his presence still behind me, why is he not leaving?

"I am sorry." I heard him saying, I looked behind. "Why?" I asked.

He gave me a sad smile and shooked his head. I looked at him confused.

And he left without saying a word leaving me with a trail of confusion.

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