30 • त्रिंशत्

703 28 4

Once I entered the office all eyes fell upon me, when I made eye contact they either looked away or smiled, I smiled back at them. I took the lift and asked the liftman to take me to his floor, once I reached his floor I was welcomed with a front desk with two ladies.

"Hello, how can I help you?" One of the woman asked me.

"I am here to give lunch to Trishul."

She looked at me confused, she started furiously typing on the laptop while flapping her other palm on the desk, she reached a pair of glasses wore them.

"Lunch from.... Ms?" She asked while still looking at the laptop, she raised her eyes and fall on my face,"Sorry Mrs... What?"

"Yuvrani Minakshi from Durga Kul, wife of Yuvraj Trishul."I announced. The typing noise stopped and she erectly stood up, she looked like a stick, so confused and straight.

The girl beside her whispered something in her ear and she gulped a lump.

"Nwatyms- S-Sor-r-yy" she caughed, "Sorry, Yuvrani Minakshi, I was unable to recognise you... PLEASE!" She yelled at the last part and came out of her desk, she bowed down and put his arm towards the left direction,"This side, please come this side. The yuvraj is in the meeting room." I nodded and started walking towards that side, and she started walking behind me slowly and cautiously, not making any sound. My heels clicked on the white pristine marble floor, the floor is so clean that someone can sleep there so peacefully.... Reminding me of our wedding night how I slept on the floor which stopped like a few days back.

She quickly went towards a door and said,"This is the meeting room."

I nodded and said,"Don't disturb them. I will seat here." I said and sat on a wooden bench, there were beautiful plants surrounding the bench giving it a very greenery effect.

She nodded,"Would like some lassi or Aam panna?" She asked.

"It's too cold for them, don't you think?" I asked. She again became nervous, I felt bad for startling her.

"Yes right. Hot milk with almond?" She asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry, I will just give the lunch and leave." I smiled at her, she hesitantly nodded,"If you need anything please let me know." She left.

I sighed and looked here and there, the place is very luxurious in it's own way, my parents' office used to give woody vibe but this one gives a warm and scarlet vibes.

The door opened and a blonde man with chilling blue eyes came out, he was extremely dashing. Then my man came out looking utterly hot with his dark hair neatly slicked back, his sharp straight nose holding a small sqare shaped glasses which is layering his golden eyes. He was wearing a navy blue- almost black three piece suit with white plain shirt, a matching blue tie hanging. His beard trimmed and immaculate.

The man ignored me and started walking towards the lift, they were talking to eachother, Trishul was quitely listening and nodding lightly.

He noticed my presence and stopped walking, "Minakshi?'' he asked confused.

The man stopped talking and turn around to look at me. I cleared my throat and stood up, I gave the lunch pack to Trishul.

"Lunch ene chhilam kheye niyo..." I said and started leaving.

(Brought lunch for you, eat them up.)
(Couldn't translate well so here's in Hindi: Lunch layi thi, kha le na)

But before I can leave he hold me by my wrist softly.



"Why are you leaving, stay here and have lunch together." He proposed.

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