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"Y-You?" Trishul stuttered, and tried to stand up. He is looking miserable.

"Me?" I was confused. Why is he behaving like this?

He sucked his breath and put his palm over his mouth, there's not a single action he missed which indicates that he is shocked to see me. But he tried to calm himself down by putting an emotionless face,"Who are you?" He asked.


"Minakshi who?"

He doesn't even know my name?! Why no one bother- "Your fiancée." He blinked at me twice very slowly.

"Your coffee." I love him it's true, but it was very disrespectful and I showed my annoyance with every word I spoke.

"Please keep it there" he pointed at a table, I did as I was told.

"Why were you shocked?" I asked.

"No.... Nothing..."

"I thought you saw a ghost."

"Maybe you are one." He whispered. What?!


I never in my life thought something like this will take place in my life, she opened my old wounds, which I buried deep within my heart. Locked it and threw the key away. My pain was relieved when Mohini entered my life, now that she is gone, I was devastated. Healed from the old wounds of heartbreak. Found a new heart break when Mohini left me. But Minakshi? Who really is she?!

Once she left my room, I went towards my cupboard and started looking for something. I was trying to find the keys, but it was nowhere in site. It was suppose to be here. I looked for it in my study table, I found my old diary. I searched it there to find it on the 8th page. The key to my teenage heart. The key to my art room.

I came out my room and run through the hallway, to the last door. Which is closed for more than seven years. Once I reached my destination, I opened the lock and the door, it opened with a creak sound. I entered the room, The room was dark, dust entered my nostrils as I caughed, the room was also very suffocating.... A nostalgic smell of paint made the hairs of my arms raise.

I looked for the switchboard, I click on the switches and the room was litten. Chill run through my spine as my heart skip a beat. The same old feeling, the same old girl.

There were paintings of the same girl all over the room. There were probably at least fourty paintings of her, somewhere she is smiling, some crying, some in wedding saree, some with me, some with flowers, some with children. When I was fourteen, I got possessed with an image of this girl on my head. I couldn't escape her features, she would always run on my head or my dreams. I have never seen her in my life, I didn't even knew if she existed or not but all I could do is draw her. I was so obsessed with her and intoxicated to her, that I drew her everyday all the time. I tried so hard to forget her but I couldn't. I was falling in love with her, knowing very well that she doesn't exist.  Her beautiful smile, her dark brown eyes, her dimples... She looks exactly like.... Minakshi, my fiancee.



The night went smoothly, we woke up on our regular time, did some yoga and meditation, had a light breakfast. I got ready in blue organza kurta. I slowly wore my shoes said good bye to my family and came downstairs, thinking that I have to wait for Shreedhar. But once I got out, I already found him with his car infront our bungalow.

"Hi," he said while coming out of the car, he was seated on the middle seat. "Hi, why didn't you call me?" I asked.

He shrugged,"I thought I would wait." The chauffeur opened the car door for me. We entered inside, and the driver started the car.

"So did you sleep well?" He asked.

I flushed a big smile of relief as I kind of thought that our journey would be kind of awkward,  but fortunately for me he started speaking.  "Yes, it was really comfortable."

He smiled and nodded, his gaze fixed on the road... Again an awkward silence took place, I have never been this nervous infront of a guy, he is probably seeing a different version of me which no one have seen but only me.... Not knowing what to do, I asked,"How did you sleep."

He seemed confused at the question but soon covered it up with a polite smile and replied,"Fine." Oh no... This is so embarrassing! He asked me that question becouse I was his guest, but he slept at his usual room so obviously he will have a good sleep....


"Fine." I replied. Only I know that I couldn't sleep a bit last night, my mind was clouded by her and only her, her soft smile, her blush, her sweet laughter and melodious voice. I know that Tonight I will also sleep as well, as today we gonna spend so much time together and all our memories will flash on my mind.

Our car stopped in an luxurious hotel, it's the best seven star hotel in our Kingdom. The construction of this restaurant was made five hundred years ago, so it's a heritage property. It resembles to a temple. I reserved the hotel  so that nobody can disturb our small date. Once we entered the place, everybody got busy on pampering us, we ordered our food and sat down. All the while I was just observing her, I tried to give my utmost luxury to her so that I can please her. Although I couldn't understand how she felt but I knew she liked it because most people do. I am famous for my money, and everybody use me for this kind of treatment, they befriend me for this kind of system.

The brunch went very quickly, which I really didn't liked. I prefer there would be some long conversation but we ended up having small talks.

Next we went to a few sight scenes which are again reserved and booked at the best places, I again tried to give her all the luxury and comfort as possible. She was looking so cute today, like a baby that I wanted to care for her all day long and would not get tired.


The trip was short and we were coming back, to be honest I didn't like it. Everything was so odd and too elegant, I didn't like it. I wish it was a little bit fun. But I can't complain because whenever I looked at Shreedhar, I found sincerity... He was trying so hard to make me happy but unfortuantely he doesn't know what I like... But how will he know if I don't tell him what I like? In fact I didn't even bother to ask what he likes.

I am so happy to see him mingling with me so nicely, I liked his vibe he feels safe, I feel protected. I was lost in my thought when I saw a local carnival. "Stop the car!" I yelled as I gawk at the carnival, I knew my eyes were glowing with excitement.

"Are you-" Sreedhar started to speak but I cut him off,"Look at that carnival" I pointed with my finger. He followed my gaze and replied,"It's an Eid carnival." He responded. "I want to go there." I stated.

He looked at me scared,"It will not be very safe. I have many enemies, I can't put our life in danger." He tried to explain. I pouted and gave a last glance at the carnival, when something caught my eyes. "Idea!" I screamed.

"What?" He looked at me amused. I eyed him up and down, I took my wallet and fetched some cash, I whispered something to the chauffeur's ear and gave him some money. He left.

"I am confused." He stated, "Just wait and watch!" I beamed. The chauffeur came back and give me the bag with the return of cash.

I threw the bag to Sreedhar. "What's this?" He asked.

"Wear it." I smirked. He got confused and took out the cloth, it's a black satin Burqa.

"Nobody knows me here, and nobody will know you if you wear this Burqa they will think you are Saadia and not Sreedhar." I chuckled in excitement.

Here's an update, sorry I forgot to update yesterday.. 🥲 but don't worry I set an alarm so it will remind me to update.

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