Chapter 3

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When Mix arrived at Khao's doorstep that night, he suddenly felt a tinge in his back. He quickly spun around, only to find nothing but a dark alley. 

No one was there.

 He shrugged it off, assuming his paranoia was taking over again, and knocked on the door.

Khao opened up quicky and looked at Mix 

"Come inside now buddy, it's freezing here"

Mix went inside to find all of his friends dressed up completely

Mix went inside to find all of his friends dressed up completely

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"Woah, you didn't tell me there was a dress code for this-"Mix exclaimed

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"Woah, you didn't tell me there was a dress code for this-"Mix exclaimed

Neo laughed and said

"Dude, we going to party did you really think we were gonna come in pajamas or something?"

Book broke in

"Guys chill, it's Mix's first time coming to a party"

"Yes, thank you book , Mix you can change if you want to , I have a few clothes which might fit you in my closet" Khao added

"No thanks, I think that I feel more comfortable this way"

"Alright then, it's your choice"

Soon the guests started arriving  and Mix's friends started meeting others.

Everywhere he looked, he saw friends, acquaintances, and strangers chatting and laughing, drinks in hand. Most of them had known each other for years, but there, he stood somewhat as an outsider. Though he had been invited to the party by felt almost too overwhelming for him for some reason.

He watched as the minutes rolled on, and his friend seemed to enjoy the attention and the alcohol that the guests had brought with them. They all seemed to be having a wonderful time, but Mix chose to stay aside, keeping to himself. He wasn't sure if it was because of the strangers, the festivities, or just his nature, but he found himself emotionally retreating to the sidelines.

He started to feel increasingly like the odd one out.

Every now and then one his friends would urge him to take a drink and join them, but Mix simply declined.

When Khao asked him to join him for a drink, he was caught off guard. He politely declined, thinking that it would be the best , but Khao wouldn't take no for an answer.

Khao kept up the good-natured teasing and finally, Mix broke down and agreed .

The first time he tasted alcohol he felt like he had opened the door to a secret world. It was something he expected to taste bitter and harsh. But as it went down his throat, he was surprised to find its taste and its muscular warmth spread throughout his body, calming and invigorating him at the same time.

It was an experience he would never forget. With each sip of the drink he savored the flavors and sensations. He could feel the alcohol enveloping him in its embrace. It was like a warm blanket of comfort.

He began to tell himself that for once in his life he felt accepted and understood. Every drop of alcohol he consumed seemed to open old wounds and heal them in a way that he never imagined possible. As the night slowly progressed, and more alcohol entered his system, he could feel his troubles leaving him behind.

The last thing Mix remembered was the warmth of someone's voice telling him , It's ok.

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