Chapter 8

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"Earth are you alright?"

Earth turned and looked at the person standing behind him,

"Yes First, I just felt a lil nervous about meeting him again. What if he hates me now ?He doesn't even remember me..."

First patted his back and said," Bud Mix  may not remember you right now, but no one can resist a man as handsome as you- except for me of course."

Earth smiled at his best friend and felt better.


 Earth had just moved to the neighborhood and didn't know anyone. Mix noticed him sitting alone during recess and went over to talk to him.

'Hi, my name's Mix. What's yours?' the kid asked with a friendly smile.

'I'm Earth,' replied the timid new kid.

'Do you want to play with me and my friends? We're playing tag,' Mix offered.

Earth was hesitant at first, but he didn't want to be alone. So he joined in and had a great time. From that day on, Earth and Mix were inseparable. They did everything together - playing at the park, riding bikes, and building forts.

"Let be together forever..."


Earth woke up with a start and realized that he must have fell asleep. He looked at the time and realized that he had an hour left, so he quickly changed into his suit and was about to leave when First stopped him,

"Are you really gonna dress like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you're gonna attend a meeting."

"Then what should I wear - I usually wear this whenever I have any imp. meeting."

First sighed and glanced at his love sick friend and gave him a shirt and pant,

"Take this, he'll feel more comfortable this way."

Although Earth wanted First to come along with him, he couldn't as he had a gun meeting today.

"Bye bud, focus on Mix today, I'll focus on the deal."

They bid farewell and Earth got in his car and left.

Paper Flowers (EarthMix fanfic) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now