Chapter 10

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Mix  smiled shyly at Earth as it seemed like they couldn't talk much because of Khao and others,

"Thank you for joining me , Mix"

"What? No way- I should be the one thanking you, since you paid as well"

''It was nothing Mix, really''

''But can you promise me that I'll be one paying next time?''

Earth smiled at Mix and ignored the last question,

Mark seemed to notice the tension between Khao and Earth so he poked Neo and whispered something in his ear,

''Neo, I think something's wrong'''

Neo, who had been focusing on his smoothie looked up and mumbled,

"What is it Mark?? I didn't notice anything "

Mark sighed, of course Neo had been too busy eating too notice the tension.

Meanwhile Khao couldn't help glaring at Earth who seemed really suspicious to him

Mix signaled his friends to wait for him outside as he wanted to talk to Earth alone

And boy... Was Khao Jealous? The answer was easy - how could Mix go to an unkown man who had legid stalked him and believe every single word he said? When did he get so dumb?!


After everything was settled , they all went back to their respective homes (Khao wanted to go to Mix's house to 'talk' , but Mix refused as it was already too late and he felt tired)


"So, how did it go?" First asked Earth who was going through the details of the deal

"Don't even ask me about it" Earth said, frowning.

It was not like First hadn't expected this- His poor friend usually had problems talking to people , but he didn't expect it to go that bad

"UGH! That Khao! Why did he have to interrupt us?!"

First made a mental note to go along with Earth the next time because it was obvious that Earth clearly couldn't do this without him.


Mix lied on his bed as he mentally went through what happened the entire day.

He hugged his pillow as he thought,

"Earth seems like a good person- There's no way that he could be lying right? On the other hand... Khao seems right too, I'm really trusting a person I just met."

Mix glanced at his phone and saw two messages,


Hey Mix , I hope you reached safe?


Mix are you home now?

Mix sighed and smiled,

"It seems like both of them are really worried about me, I'm glad for that"


Hey Mix, I hope you reached safe?

Yup!! I'm almost gonna sleep now

Alrightyy - let's meet tomorrow and we'll discuss it all there


Mix are you home now?

Yes, I am 

What about you??

Oh My house was nearby so I prolly reached here before you

By the way, thank you for coming today- It really was fun afterall

No way- You were the paying and I still feel guilty

So we'll make up for that another time?

Yes... another time 

Paper Flowers (EarthMix fanfic) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now