Chapter 6

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Mix was taken aback by those words- he hadn't actually expected the person to agree.

"Why do you keep stalking me?"

"I wasn't trying to- wait... honestly , I would have felt the same  if someone was continuously following me(sighs)"

Mix was a little surprised, so was this man not a stalker? If so why was he following him? Mix stepped a little back,

"So who are you?"

"Don't you remember me at all? I'm Earth-"

Mix didn't know the other man, not at all. He was sure he would've remembered a man like him. But, he had forgotten a lot of his past, maybe this man was a part of it and he had forgotten about him as well.

"Earth, I'm sorry but I don't remember you. I don't remember much from my past, but if we've known each other, then I'm glad you remember me, but I can't recollect you at all." Mix replied and the man looked sad but he smiled.

"It's okay, I know you don't remember anything about me. But we were good friends when we were young, you moved away when you were ten years old, and, I never saw you again. But, I've been looking for you, and I finally found you. I have one picture of us, together, that's how I recognized you. I tried to talk to you but every time something or the other would come up, so I decided to follow you around until you were at a place where we can talk properly. I don't want to bother your work, so I'll just take a few minutes of your time." Earth said and took out a picture from his pocket, handing it to Mix.

Mix took the picture and looked at it, it showed the two of them, both of them side by side, holding some ribbons and a trophy. Both of them smiled, but Mix had forgotten about this picture, he was sure he has never seen it before. But it looked genuine, and the person standing beside him was his childhood friend. Then he remembered the voice too, it was how Peter used to talk, and he remembered the way he used to smile. Maybe he was actually telling the truth.

 "I'm sorry Earth, you seem familiar to me but I still cant trust you."

The man gave a charming smile and said,

"Of course, even I wouldn't trust just anyone on the streets- but can we at least exchange numbers? Maybe we can try becoming friends again?"

Mix nodded and gave Earth his number.

Little did they both know both of their lives would become more than intertwined soon.

Paper Flowers (EarthMix fanfic) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now