Chapter 4

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Mix had a splitting headache as he opened his eyes the next morning, and it felt like his head was on fire. He couldn't recall the events of the night before, but he had a hazy memory of drinking too much.

He looked around him and saw that he was in his bedroom, but he had no idea how he had managed to get there. He noticed that his shirt was stained with food and drink, and he had a strange taste in his mouth.

As Mix tried to make sense of the previous night, flashes of memories began to come back to him. He vaguely remembered talking to Khao and dancing a little

Mix tried to remember more, but he still felt confused. He eventually decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. As he washed, he made a vow to himself never to get so drunk again.

As soon as he got ready, Mix called Khao and asked him about who took him home but Khao, himself did not know.

Mix brushed this aside and got ready for uni.


Mix was on his way to the university when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He quickly spun around to see who it was, but he found nobody there. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt a chill run up his spine. He was sure he had felt a presence, but he couldn't explain what had just happened.

He quickly started walking again, but this time at a much faster pace. He was trying to make it to the university as fast as he could. He kept looking back, expecting to see someone behind him, but he only saw empty streets.



  At the uni he met up with Khao and others and told them what happened.

"Bro!! Are you ok?!" Neo immidialty asked.

"Yes Neo, I am but I'm afraid that someone is following me"

Mark then suggested that they report it to police.

Khao and Book agreed and decided to report it to the police once the uni was over.


When they got to the station, the police officer seemed to take them seriously. He listened to their story, and even took their names and contact information. But then he dismissed them, thinking they were just another group of pranksters.

"What do you mean you wont register the case!!!" Book blurted out

The police officer simply said,"listen Kid, I dont have all day , now go home if you dont want to end up in prison"

"It's ok guys , lets go-"

"No way Mix!!"

Mix took thier hands and led them outside

"It's alright guys don't put yourselves into trouble now"

Although the others insisted, mix asked them to not cause trouble and went back home.

Mix decided it was time to do what he could the best- Solve this on his own

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