Chapter 5

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Mix began to analyze all the clues. Was this person a classmate from his university? Someone he had met at the club but not realized was stalking him? He had no idea who it could be. It could be anyone.

And Mix had a plan.

Mix waited until it was the dead of night, when everyone was inside and the streets were quiet. He knew it was foolish to take such a risk, but he had to know who was stalking him. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out into the night.

At first, everything seemed peaceful. He cautiously made his way through the streets, trading his usual sidewalks for alleyways or hidden pathways. But then, a chill ran through him as he felt the same eerie presence he'd experienced for the last few days. He was being followed.

He kept changing his routes, just to be sure if he really was being followed, and then he entered an alley and looked behind, but once again , he saw no one.

He decided to do this again the next day but when was just about to leave the alley,

Mix heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He stopped in his tracks and whipped around to find a group of thugs surrounding him, menacing knives in their hands.

'What do you want?' Mix asked, trying to sound as tough as he could. He didn't want to show them how scared he was, but it was hard to hide.

'We want your money,' the ringleader said. Mix's heart sank as he realized he had no money to give. He slowly backed away, but the thugs moved in closer.

"Please, you don't want to mess with me I... I ... You dont know my father!"

The one who seemed like the leader, smirked and said,"At least lie properly my boy."And he attacked Mix.

Mixclosed his eyes, preparing himself for the worst, when suddenly a strong hand closed around his attacker's wrist, stopping the knife just in time.

Mix opened his eyes and saw a tall man standing in front of him, dressed all in black. The man's deep brown stared into Mix's for a moment before he turned his attention back to the thugs.

'You should know better than to mess with someone weaker than you,' the man said, his voice low and dangerous. 'Now get out of here. All of you.'

The thugs quickly scattered, leaving Mix alone with the mysterious man. He looked at the man in awe, wondering who he was and how he had appeared just in time to save him.

'Thank you,' Mix said, his voice trembling. 'I...I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come.'

The man gave him a small nod before turning to leave. 'Take care of yourself from now on,' he said.

Mix could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he asked the man, 'Are you the one who has been following me?'

The man didn't answer right away. Then, after a moment he finally said, 'Yes. I've been watching you, Mix"

Paper Flowers (EarthMix fanfic) ON PAUSEWhere stories live. Discover now