Chapter One ☆

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"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

"Just what, exactly, do you think you're doing?"

The girl in front of Nyxa flinched terribly, eyes wide and looking like she'd just received the fright of her life. She was no more than eight but the grin she suddenly grew seemed too dangerous for her age.

Faster than the child could comprehend, her messy hands were caught in bands of shadow, immobilizing their movement.
Now, while any other little beastie would probably start crying-- rightfully so-- little Anzel's grin changed to a sparky laugh. The sound left Nyxa unable to do anything but smile.

Swooping in gracefully, Nyxa grabbed the tray of cupcakes and slid them into the cooker, lowering the temperature and shutting the door.
"Do they taste good?" She inquired, and Anzel gave an enthusiastic hum followed by continuous nodding as she licked the rest of her fingers clean of batter.

"C'mon you little gnome, let's get you cleaned up before your mother's home."

"That rhymed," Anzel said, sounding rather delighted by the realization.

"'Course it did," Nyxa grinned, "I'm the one who said it."

Smiling widely, the child gave her a smart look. "Mommy won't mind if I'm messy."

And though Nyxa knew better and was easily understanding Anzel's obvious tone and facial expression, she decided to play right into the little girl's hands.
"And why is that?"

She set Anzel down, warming a cloth and picking up her hands one at a time to clean them. There was flour running all the way up to her elbow. How this child managed to attract such mess, Nyxa still didn't know. She paused when she caught the very amusing look thrown at her, a gentle laugh escaping Nyxa's mouth at the sight.

She hoped her smile wasn't too wide. She couldn't bear the idea of Anzel's ego growing if she thought it was her observations that put that smile there.
"Mummy likes you too much."

Nyxa raised a brow absently, still cleaning her hands, arms, and neck. "Oh, is that it?" She asked. "Well, I like your mummy too."
Nyxa couldn't help her widening grin at Anzel's little gasp. She'd cleaned the girl's limbs- cheeks too, when she gave her a pat on the head which had Anzel scowling adorably.

"No, not like that. I mean-" Anzel looked around, eyes searching the empty bathroom with a seriousness that really wasn't necessary in Nyxa's opinion before whispering,"I think my mommy is in love with you."

Nyxa immediately gasped, hand going to her chest in dramatic shock. Anzel nodded seriously, as if pleased yet sad that her current babysitter understood just how dire this situation was. "Whatever will I tell her?" Nyxa worried.

Young Anzel looked around again as if thinking the question through very, very carefully. "We'll just have to say 'No, mummy, Nyxi can't love you too.'"

here was such grim determination on that little face, seemingly burdened by the hard decision they'd just made in the little bathroom, that Nyxa had to fight so incredibly hard to keep from laughing.


But won't that hurt your mommy's feelings?" She asked, drying her own hands and arms. Turning away and allowing her shadows to ease the girl onto the ground, Nyxa headed back to the kitchen. The smell of cake was already drifting through the air, warm and delicious.

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