Chapter Fourteen ☆

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"When you finally let people love you exactly the way they do, it's pretty easy to see that's all they've ever been trying to do the whole time."


More weeks passed, and then more after that. The team trainings weren't compulsory anymore and everyone generally did their own thing, although they were all made aware that they had to stay in shape.

Rhodey was gone, busy with his own missions and job outside of being an Avenger. Sam had gone to see his sister and Vision was going to travel for a few weeks- see the world which he'd been 'born into' less than a year ago. Nyxa had a feeling Steve didn't have much to do, though he went out every now and then, and Natasha- well, Nyxa tried to avoid her.

Then there was Wanda. Nyxa had avoided her too lately. That godsdamned face and those green eyes messed with her head in a way she couldn't handle. She wasn't stupid or naive, Nyxa knew she had feelings for Wanda Maxinoff. She'd known it for ages now. But she was hoping they would go away.
Spoiler alert, they weren't.

Keys in hand and tog bag over her shoulder, Nyxa headed to their 'dining area', putting her stuff down and turning back the direction she'd come. She spotted Wanda leaving the kitchen, attached to the room she was in, and paused, watching the Sokovian's eyes move to her bags.

Wanda blinked, meeting her eyes with a soft smile. "Hey." A second of silence surrounded their bodies, cocooning their beings. "You going somewhere?"

Nyxa, who never felt small in any situation, wanted to disappear. She desperately tried to cling to any shred of authority and self control she had. Yet it slipped through her fingers like a ribbon being tugged.
"Thought I'd stay at my apartment for the weekend. Just have some downtime... away from everything."

She tried to read Wanda's expression but struggled. Natasha had been working with the Sokovian, helping her with her accent and teaching her to control her emotions and expressions. It was necessary for their line of work.

Still, Nyxa mourned the loss of innocence, the requirement for a mask. She'd always liked how open and unaware Wanda was of having the need for one.

"Sounds like fun," Wanda commented. Her smile faltered for barely a second but Nyxa caught it, latching onto it like a man starved, having been searching for any trace of something she could find, could see, to let her know what was going on in that gentle mind.

"Are you staying here?" Nyxa asked, seeing Wanda look away for a moment, her smile becoming something mournfully playful.

"I don't exactly have anywhere else to go."

Right. Why had she even asked when she knew the answer? Seven Hells, what was that? Nyxa never screwed up like that, her questions and comments were always thought through. Except now, apparently. Except with Wanda. She found herself always needing to talk to her, to respond and listen. So much so that she abandoned all of her thinking.

Wanda smiled then and Nyxa hated the way she couldn't tell if it was real or not.
"You go ahead. Have fun. I'll see you when you get back."
She left out a different entryway and Nyxa could only blink.

It was fine. Everything was fine. A weekend away in her own apartment would do her good.


Nyxa had all the clothes she'd need, going through her list again and checking off everything for what felt like the hundredth time.
The drive between here and her apartment was just over four hours and she really didn't feel like having to drive back if she'd forgotten something important.

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