Return of Hook

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It's been a few days since Henry came to our camp and we have gotten really close. I guess you could say he's my bestfriend even though we haven't known eachother long.

I'm sitting down having some food with Henry when I start thinking about killian. I know it's been like 14 years or so but he was like the only friend I had then.

Out of nowhere I see Peter appear out of nowhere. What the fuck? He appeared in a puff of smoke, I was so confused.

"Morning everyone!" Peter says while I'm sitting there in complete shock.

"How the fuck did you do that?" I ask him. He tells me that's why he has been acting strange for the past few years, he can appear anywhere with a puff of smoke.

"I'm sorry what? When were you going to tell me this?" I say.

"I guess now."

Ok like how, why, when. My brain is going into overload mode with Henry being here, thinking about Killian and now Peter appearing out of nowhere.

"Y/n keep Henry safe, we have some visitors are here trying to take him away." He says to me.

"OK, comon Henry let's go in the hut." I say to him and we walk into my hut and sit on my bed.

"I think I know who the visitors are." Henry says.

"Oh who?"

"My mum, Grandma, Grandpa and Hook?" He says.

"Who is Hook?" I ask him.

"Some pirate friend of my mums. His name is Killian."He says. My jaw drops and I start to get excited.

"I know Killian, he was my friend when I lived in the enchanted forest." I say.

We start talking about how my parents kicked me and Peter out and when we were finding a place to stay we met and started talking.

"Do you like him? I don't he's very strange." Henry says to me. I nod and agree that he is strange but very nice.

"Want to go find your mum and family?" I say and we walk out of the hut to go find them.

After what felt like 2 hours we saw a group of 5 in the distance by a campfire.

"Is that them?" I say and he nods. We start walking over there and Henry runs up to his mum and hugs her.

"Henry who's this?" The woman says to Henry.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." I say.

"Stay back!" The woman says. I tell them that I meant no harm and I was a friend of Henry's.

I look over to one of the males who I presume is killian, he's got his bright blue eyes I remember and black scruffy hair. I notice that he doesn't have to hands and instead of one he has a hook.

"Killian?" I say.

"Oh my god! Y/N is that you?"He says and I nod. He walks over to me and gives me a tight hug.

"Umm Y/n, why are you here with pan?" He says to me. Pan? Who's pan?

"Whos pan? Do you mean my brother?" I say and he nods. "Why are we calling my brother Pan, its not our surname it's Lewis?"

"Don't worry about it, we need to get you off this island now!" A woman with long black hair says to me. I learn that the group of 5 was : Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina and Mr gold.

"Why do I need to leave? I'm not leaving without my brother." I say. They tell me that Peter is a dangerous person. I don't understand how Peter is dangerous but it might have something to do with how he always brings new lost boys like everyday.

"Is this something to do with the lost boys?" I say. They all nod and I sit down on a log in shock. Killian sits next to me and rubs my back.

"It will be OK love don't worry." He says. How can I be ok when I just found out that my brother is dangerous and yet I didn't know.

"It won't be OK, what if he is the reason that my parents kicked us out?" I say.

"What do you mean kicked out?" Emma says to me.

"About 14 years ago, my parents kicked me and Peter out and that's where I met Killian, we were talking for like 5 hours straight until I had to leave and I never saw him again until today." I explain to them. Killian hugs me and smiles.

It's late now, and me and Henry decided to go back to camp so then Peter wouldn't get suspicious of us. We sat down and had some food and started getting ready for bed. Henry passed out on me so I had to try and carry him to the hut. Before I tried to life him I saw killian pick him up and put him in the hut.

"Thanks." I say and he smiles at me.

"No problem love." He says while he sits next to me by the fire.

"We got to stay quiet we can't have Peter seeing your here and everyone else is asleep so shush."I say to him and he chuckles.

"OK, how are you it's been ages?" He asks me.

"I'm alright, happy that your here now. How are you? And if you don't mind me asking what happened to your hand?" I say.

"I'm good. About 6 years ago I got into some bad shit with rumplestitskin aka Mr gold. And he cut off my hand before killing my girlfriend at the time."He explains.

"Oh thats good, not the part you having your hand chopped off but you know what I mean." I say and we both laugh.

We talk for hours catching up and it was nice to be able to talk to someone who wasn't Peter. I slowly shut my eyes and fall asleep on Killian.

Killians pov-

She's so cute when she sleeps, like a little baby. She reminds me of Milah, the woman I fell for that caused me to lose a  hand.

I pick her up and take her to her hut and place her on the bed. I put the sheet over her and kiss her on her forehead.

"Goodnight love, see you tomorrow." I whisper and leave her hut.

A Pirate's Heart  (Killian Jones X Reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now