They do seggs soon

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Me and my friends has just graduated. "BRO WE FINALLY GRADUATE!" Elle one of my best friends exclaimed. "END OF SUFFERING. " christy one of my closest friends joked. As all of my friends were busy celebrating I can't help but shake the thought of a guy I used to like back then. Me and my friend headed towards the "I heart sass" display to take graduation pictures and there i saw him, Smike, I liked him since I was in my second junior year. My friends were busy laughing and I was just admiring him, he was grabbing a his package from the security hut. "hey Crystal are you not.. Ohh don't tell me you still like him." Elle looked at me with disappointment in her eyes. "*Sigh* well it's just he is so charming.." I said. "Alright alright whatever we just graduated?  hello? Stop thinking about him only for this day and let's enjoy ourselves!" she exclaimed. "Fine let's go!" both of us went ahead te join the rest.

Today is the graduation day for batch 09.. I was grabbing my package and I saw her,Crystal, a girl who used to like me. But for some reason why do I feel sad she's graduating. I'm supposed to be happy for her but I don't want to see her go, do I like her?  I don't even know at this point. I decided to walk past the graduation party maybe get a few glimpses of her? As I was walking while looking around for her I bumped into someone, crystal, "I'M SO SORRY I SPILLED MY DRINK ALL OVER YOU! " She apologized. "No no it's alright go ahead enjoy
the party I can get home and clean myself up anyways.." I consented. "Are you sure? I can hand you a few tissues if you want?" She offered. "No I said it's alright, Crystal.. " I smiled at her confidently even thought my insides were doing back flips. "Alright. " She finally gave up in trying to help me. "anyways what will you be doing after graduation?" I asked. "I'm not sure maybe I might try start a small business with Elle I don't know."
she added. "Oh then consider me as your first customer if you." I smiled. "We'll see." she went to join her friends. I can't help but admire her as she walks away. I went back home and took off my shirt that was stained, I look at myself in the mirror. "*sigh* I'm going to miss her.. " I talked to myself. I threw my shirt into the laundry basket and lay down, I grabbed my phone and scroll through instagram. "Huh she posted?" I thought to myself. I clicked on her profile and I found myself stalking her instagram. "Gosh what am I doing. Move on Smike. " I slapped my self. "I haven't worked out in such a long time haven't I?" I got up and started doing push ups.

A few hours later 🐓

After finishing the push ups I heard sol calling for me "Smike! time for dinner. " "Coming! " I answered.  I got up and grabbed a shirt in my closet.  I put it on while coming out of my room. "Smike you look a bit sweaty. We're you working out in your room? " asked sol's mum. "Yeah I haven't worked out in a long time so I figured why not." I said while sitting down. We had dinner and I went ahead and took a quick shower before heading to bed.


Me and my friends just finished celebrating out graduation at our school and one of my friends decided for us to go shopping at the mall. "Hey Crystal you wanna go walk around the mall just the two of us?" Elle questioned. "Oh sure!" I exclaimed. Both of us went to a clothing shop and I was trying out new clothes and she suddenly asked. "You still like Smike don't you crys?" "No why are you suddenly bringing this up?" I protested. "I know you crystal and I know that you still like him." she assured. "Fine you caught me it's just I can't turn off these feelings Elle.." I pledged. "*sighs* Well you're right it's hard to stop loving someone. But if you want to i can maybe set you two on a date?" She jested. "What? No, no way!" I marveled. "yeah you know you want to." she objected. "fine if I'm being honest to do want to go on a date with him.." I gave up in denying it. "Well I can maybe contact Mafia to set you guys on a date. " she suggested. "what? isn't Mafia in Thailand?" I questioned. "Girl. He came back for the holidays yesterday remember?. " She said. "Oh yeah now i remembered." I answered.

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