Am I yours?

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Smikey pov
As I finished showering I saw my girlfriend, Crystal, already sleeping. She looks so adorable. I went and put on my clothes, I saw my laptop still on, I was reading an article for my investigation. I haven't told Crystal what my job was yet. Suddenly my phone rang, it was my boss, I picked it up and greeted him. "Good evening sir how can I help you this late? " "Good evening Agent S, The suspect just arrived at the harbor in sepanggar and we would like you and Agent D to go investigate it. " He commanded. Gosh I just wanted to sleep man and I have work. "Alright, On it sir. " I ended before hanging up. I looked at the time on my phone, it was an already 1:44am. I went ahead and grabbed my suit (by suit I mean a tuxedo) I changed into my suit and grabbed my gadgets. I plucked a kiss on Crystal lips. "I'll be back soon my love. " I hurried to my car and raced to the location.

(alright before we continue this scene was slightly inspired by MIB or more known as Men in Black.)

I arrived at the location, I spotted my partner Agent D. I raced towards him silently. "Alright man what's the strategy?" I whispered. "Gosh S you scared me. Well I'm thinking of splitting up." He mumbled. "Alright well but still what is the plan." I looked at him confused still whispering but in a more tense voice. "You wanna cause trouble?" He grinned. "Oh do I?" I smirked. We both split up and went behind the suspect. We both saw he was indeed the culprit. Agent D gave me a sign to wait for his count. As he slowly counted. 3, The target was looking around. 2, All the target's workers have loaded the ship. 1. Me and Agent D both jumped down and many of the workers attacked us. Even thought I got bruises we still were able to beat them up. Just as I was about to get shot my the target, backup arrived. Soon the culprit was sent to jail.

I then drove home and boy was I sweaty yet really tired. It was already 7am when I arrived home. I just passed out next to Crystal was in deep slumber.

Crystal pov🐓
The rays of the sun shine right at my eyes. I sat up and look beside me my lover yet I realised he was in a suit that was messy and many bruises along his hands and face. Gosh what the hell happened? I raced to the kitchen to grab a towel with warm water. I went back in to the room and turned the ac off. I grabbed his arm and damn his arms are very muscular. I dammed the towel onto the bruises, suddenly he woke up. "AGH Gosh that hurt!" his voice was tense. "I'm sorry love just hold still." I mumbled. He just tried his best to relax his body yet he was hissing the entire time. "Alright, done." I looked into his eyes. "What happened?" the worry in my voice being obvious. "I-i.. I forgot to tell you this but please. Please keep it as a secret, even your own best friend Elle can't know." His voice went really low which made my curiosity grew. "What is it..?" my curiosity grew bigger. "I work for an agency that doesn't involve the government." He looked away. My jaw dropped hearing his words. "Wait so are you saying-" "Yes I'm a secret agent." He cut me off. I couldn't comprehend the information. I stared at him. "Sorry darling it's just, a really dangerous job and well I tried to hide is from you yet I want to tell you." He brushed a strand of hair on my face. I held his hand. "It's alright I know you just wanted to keep me safe. Now let's eat breakfast I'm cooking for you. " I spoke softly. I got up the bed and help him to the bathroom to get himself cleaned up. Once he was showering I went to the kitchen to make breakfast which was waffles and blueberries. He walked out of the room with a towel on his waist while wiping his wet hair with another piece of cloth. "Oo that looks delicious." A huge smile on his face. "Hey! go wear your clothes first!" I giggled. "If you can catch me." He grabbed a waffle and ran back to the bedroom with a waffle in his mouth. "Smike!" I scolded jokingly.

We both ate breakfast in the living room while watching Netflix (they were cuddling btw 🙄) "Crystal." he put his head on top of my head. "Can you maybe.. Quit your job?" His voice sounded nervous but still serious. "Why though.. I want to make my own money too so you don't have to feel like I'm a burden." My voice sounded devastated. "No, you are never a burden to me. Plus I make enough money for the both of us. " He urged. "maybe more than enough. " He mumbled. "What did you say?" I didn't hear him very clearly. "Oh nothing. Plus it will be better if you just stayed at home." He kissed my forehead. "Wait i wanna show you something first." He got up and pulled me. He brought me to the room next to our room. It was full of guns, shotguns, gadgets etc. My eyes wander around the room. "Why did you bring me here?" I turned towards him. "Well if you're the future wife of an agent many people would try to kill you so I thought why not I teach how to shoot. " He grinned playfully. Future wife!? I blushed at his words. He went ahead and grab a gun and he twirled around his fingers then suddenly he pointed at me. My eyes widened. "Here you go m'lady. " he then twirled the gun onto his palm (still same hand)  and curtsied while handing me the gun. Gosh I'm falling more in love with this man every second

a/n:- YES FINALLY FINISHED PART 6! btw yall dont forget to check out Crystal's version😍 at mickeymouse877 🎀🎀
Number of words (not including a/n)

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