Saving Her

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~Flashback~Yukio's POV~

I had just returned from a mission Mephisto had sent me on. I then noticed Kuro running through the streets. Once he finally spotted me he ran straight towards me.

"Yukio! I couldn't find Rin, so I need your help!" He shouted in my head frantically.

Honestly I didn't know whether to be glad that he finally let me in or annoyed that I'm his last resort. I sighed, "What is it that you need help with exactly?"

"There's this girl-"

"A girl? Really?" I laughed a bit.

"Yukio she is in danger. I sensed him near her, along with another strong demon."

I stopped laughing and my eyes widened. "Where?" I grew concerned.

"S-she's at Shiro's church."

"What?!" I began to run in the direction of the church.

~End of Flashback~

I stared down at the girl in my arms. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair, and her eyes were a deep (e/c). She was quite beautiful. I could feel my cheeks flush as I felt the warmth of her body lay in my arms. W-wow.

"Rrrrrrooooooaaaaarrrr!" I suddenly turned my attention back to the situation at hand.

Kuro seemed to have the upper hand with his height and agility, but it seemed that this demon was much stronger than he. I glanced back down at the girl wondering why. Why her? Especially if Satan's involved.

I glanced back up at the demon that had attacked her, I felt like I knew him. That's when I realized that I had in fact seen him in one of the books Dad used to give to me to study from. His name is Aim, though he goes many other things as well. I believe his weakness is his human head in the middle, if you take that out then he won't be able to fight anymore. The effects won't last, but he'll need to retreat to heal properly.

"Kuro! You need to hit his middle head, the human one!" I picked the girl up, "I need to get her out of here will you be fine on your own?!"

"Just go Yukio, nothing is more important than her safety right now!" Kuro growled out.

My eyes softened a bit before my expression hardened into that of determination. I ran to the True Cross Hospital Wing as fast as I could. Once I got there I set her down in an empty cot, and got one of the nurses on duty to bring me bandages, an ice pack for the bump on her head, and a bit of morphine to ease the pain when she wakes up. I inspected her a bit more just in case, and I found deep and long scars that lead from her wrists to up just below her elbows. Cuts like shouldn't even be possible to survive, especially on both arms like that. But, why? And what is she to Satan?

"Y-yukio?" I small and fear filled voice sounded in my head.

I turned to see Kuro at the door. I smiled softly at the battered cat, "I see you made it out alive."

"Will s-she be okay?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah, she will. We got there just in time. But may I ask what she means to you?"

Kuro gave a smal sigh, "I don't know myself, I actually just met her. B-but I feel a strong connection to her, just like S-Sh-Shiro." Kuro suddenly sprang into tears.

"You can sleep with her if you want, I'm sure she'd like to see a familiar face when she wakes up."

Kuro perked up a bit at this and made his way to the cot and jumped up to her side. As soon as he did so she began to stir. She felt around as if looking for him and when she found him she cuddled him next to her and smiled contently in her sleep.

"Hey Yukio." I turned once again, but this time I was met with the sympathetic expression of my big brother, Rin.

"Hey Rin," I whispered out.

He glanced over at the cot and saw Kuro sleeping peacefully in the girl's arms. His eyes softened at the sight, as did mine. I know we were both thinking it: this is the happiest Kuro has been since Shiro's death.

"I'm glad, but who is she?" Rin broke me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know Rin. I don't know."

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