Awakening to a New Life

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~Yukio's POV~

It has been about a week since that girl was saved, and she has not yet awakened. I know the doctors said it will take several days for her to wake, but at this point I'm worried. I began to walk back to her room in the hospital wing to check on her once again. Though I guess I shouldn't worry, Kuro is taking care of her. I'm still quite curious as to why he has become so attached to her. I wonder....? I slowly opened the door to her room. Instead of being met with a comatose girl, with a hovering Kuro, I saw a sleeping Kuro being slowly stroked by a very awake girl.

"Um, excuse me miss?"

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I jumped slightly at the sound of another person in the room. I looked up only to see the boy from before. I took a good look at him from head to toe, and realized I had no clue who he is.

"Ah, yes!" I answered.

"I'm glad to see you're awake. You've been comatose for almost a week now," he explained worriedly.

"Oh, I'm sorry to make you worry so much," I apologized.

He blushed slightly at that, "Oh, um, it's OK, really!"

"Well I know this is highly overdue, if what you said was true, but thank you. Kuro told me you saved me."

His blush became a little darker, "Oh, it's my job, so it's really no problem."

"Well thank you anyways...?"

"Yukio. Yukio Okumura."

"Well than, thank you Okumura-kun. My name is (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)."

He then gave me a questioning look, "Wait did you say Kuro told you?"

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing...nothing. Well since you woke up you'll probably be here for another couple of days for observation, and then you may go. I should probably get back to my duties, but I'll be back to check on you later if that's okay with you," he began towards the door.

"That's fine, thank you again," I called out just before he left.

Dang, I didn't get to ask him where I was. I guess I'll just ask Kuro when he wakes up. When I first woke up he was the first one here, albeit pacing back and forth in the room. It was kinda cute the way his face kind of scrunched up in worry. For some reason I felt deeply connected to him. After I woke up Kuro jumped straight into my arms with joy. He began to explain things like demons and things about, what were they, Exorcists I think. He was also telling me about the, the um Paladin, yeah the Paladin or at least the previous one, Shiro. He also talked about this guy's kids. I think he said they were twins, Rin and- Oh, so that was Yukio. He doesn't seem as stuck up as Kuro painted him to be. Although I've been asleep forever I really am tired, especially with having spent so much time speaking to that voice in my head when I was comatose.

~Time Skip~

Several days have passed and the voice in my head hasn't talked to me since my miniature coma, but in only several days I have learned a lot. Apparently the facility I was in was part of an organization of Exorcists - a hospital of sorts. Evidently I was in Japan, which is funny because I don't think I've ever been to Japan. I also found out from the doctors that I have short term amnesia save my name, my home town, and of course my entire life up until about several months ago.

It seems, though, that the head of the Japanese branch of Exorcists, what was his name, Mepito? Mephisto? He was trying to track down my family so he could send me on my way, though he was quite skeptical of me. I think I'm growing on him though. For now, he has decided that I shall be attending classes at the school to which he is the principal at, True Cross Academy. He also said I would be going to a cram school, where I will learn all about demons, however I was rightfully against it. He also is having me share a dorm with the twins seemingly.

In my time here I have also met a couple of Yukio's friends, who just so happen to be both my classmates and his students. It turns out the Yukio will be teaching the cram school class. Well this should definitely be exciting. Let's see, there was a flirt named Shima, a cute little bookworm named Konekomaru, he's letting me call him Maru-kun though, a tough nut named Ryuji, though everyone seems to call him Bon for some reason, a cute and super nice girl named Sheimi, a tough girl with weird eyebrows named Izumo, and Yukio's very eccentric other half Rin. I guess this won't be too bad for now.

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