The Past

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It's been weeks since I've come out of my room, aside from attending lessons at school, but I've been keeping my distance from everyone. I didn't want them to get hurt. From what, I don't know....but it must be something dangerous if he says they might get hurt. I hardly know them and I'm already attached.

I sigh as I walk around school with my head down. Without realizing it a couple of girls bumped into me and I fell to the ground, books falling out of my hand. My mind flashed to the last time that happened and I cringed at the memory, standing up quickly. I ran out of the school not wanting to make a scene, but I guess that's a little too late. Luckily school had ended, but I didn't feel like going to cram school today. I never really participate anyway, I pushed everyone away as it is. I head back to the dorm thinking back on the memory.


I was walking with my head down, the bell had rung and I was heading out to go home. I honestly was trying to hurry home to avoid those stuck up girls who walked around like they owned the place. Why they picked on me, always escaped my mind. It's not like I did anything to them, I just kept my head down. I never really liked attention, so I always avoided it, or I tried to anyway.

Just as I reached the steps leading down to the parking lot I got pushed down. I tumbled down the steps, my books flying every where. Great, just when I thought I would get out bully free today. I took a deep breath as I tried to stand and ignore the pain I felt, especially in my right wrist. Hopefully it isn't broken.

I heard laughter and then a familiar voice, "Look girls, I think the poor baby needs some help up."

More laughter as I spat back, "I'm perfectly fine, help from the likes of you would only worsen the situation."

"Oh, look who decided to talk back. Listen here you pathetic excuse of a person, you are nothing, so don't cross me or you might get more hurt than you already are," she glances down at her nails then back at me, "Got it?"


"What did you just say?"

"I said no. I don't get it. You say I'm nothing, then why pick on me? Are you so desperate to fuel your ego?"

She scoffs, but smirks, "You asked for it sweet heart, come tomorrow you'll regret your words."

She walks off with her so called friends, as I'm left to gather my books, the pain in my wrist starting to become unbearable. Once she was out of my sight I walked home in complete silence, trying to keep my tears at bay.

~Flashback end~

Without realizing it I was back at the dorm with tears streaming down my face. I don't know if I was crying because it was a sad memory, or because it was one of the few memories I could remember before everything became blank. I walked to my room, where I was met with a smiling Kuro, who frowned at the sight of my tears.

"What happened?" He asked concerned.

"N-nothing, just remembered something sad is all..." I shook my head as I sat on the bed, wiping away the tears.

He nodded, "Shouldn't you be in cram school?"

Shrugging, "I didn't feel like it today, I'm sure a crying girl is the last thing that Yukio needs to deal with."

"(Y/n) something going on?"

"W-what? No, of course not...Why are you asking that?"

"Nothing, never mind. You should rest."

I change into my pjs, "Only a nap, I still have homework."

"Okay, do you want me to wake you up?"

I nod, laying down. I feel my eyes getting heavy as sleep takes over. Kuro sits beside the door waiting for me to fall asleep before heading downstairs, to wait for the twins to get back.

~Kuro's P.O.V.~

She's been avoiding everyone lately. Rin had mentioned what happened when she changed her mind that day. That she was acting a bit strange. Well as strange as anyone would be in her situation. Soon I heard the door and the twins' voices heading my way. As soon as they both were in my sights a sat straight up. They looked a bit concerned, and I can guess why.

"Kuro, did (Y/n) come home already?" Rin asked in worry.

All I could do was nod, not exactly sure what to say. I knew I had tell them that she arrived home crying or better yet how I've over heard her talking to someone that wasn't there.

"Did she tell you why she didn't come to cram school today?" Yukio spoke up.

I only nodded again, and then spoke, "She was crying," I looked down.

The twins eyes fell to the floor. We all were worried and this situation didn't help at all. We couldn't really do anything. We were still strangers to her.

"Do you know what about?" Yukio pressed forward.

"The past...."

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