Waking Up to a Cat

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People say that death is something that you don't see coming, but mine I could honestly say was something I don't quite remember. Unfortunately, I remember the pain that I felt before it happened and the very feeling of my life leaving my body. People say that after you die you are supposed to go to this great place, where you will see this golden white light, and everyone you have ever known that has already passed will be there. That is not at all what I felt. I remember feeling like I'm drowning, like I was floating deeper and deeper into this abyss of nothingness. All I remember thinking is that I deserved to just drift into the void...that is before I was yanked back into reality.

My eyes slowly began to open. Everything in my line of sight was a giant blur, and my head was beating like a rhythmic drum to the sound of my heart. I could make out a small black figure curled up and......crying? The image was sideways so I knew I was lying on the ground.

I slowly got up and called out, "H-hey are you o-okay?" My head began to split in two and I groaned.

The figure seemed to have finally noticed my presence in what I now saw was an alley. My vision started to become clear as the pounding in my head ceased. I saw that the small figure was a....cat? It didn't seem like a regular cat. It couldn't be a regular cat, it had two tails. Wait...two tails?

I stared a bit wide eyed. "H-hey there little one," I crept closer. "Stay there and I'll come to you. It's okay I won't hurt you."

My eyes softened as it seemed that this cat was actually crying. Though I didn't know where I was, or whether what I was seeing was real I still held deep concern for the poor creature. After a while of inching forward I finally crouched down and held out my hand for the cat to sniff. Once the small thing finally relaxed the cat leaned into my hand.

I finally noticed that the cat had what appeared to be small horns and a red collar with a red and blue, almost heart shaped bell. I decided to pick the small cat up and I held it in my arms slowly caressing its fur. I noticed on the collar was a name: Kuro. Oh, so this cat's a boy.

"Well it's nice to meet you Kuro. My name is (Y/n). How about we get out of this alley and try to figure out where we are?" I began to walk out of the alley.

Kuro meowed at me happily, but then I heard a voice, "She seems nice. She reminds me of Shiro." Then Kuro snuggled closer, but I stopped mid-step.

Kuro looked up at me in confusion. That couldn't have been what I thought that was...could it? Nah, so I continued walking. I came out of the alleyway only to be met with a bustling city full of life and spirit. Well I guess this could be interesting, but I have no idea where I am or how I got here, but at least I'm not alone.

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