Voice in My Head

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~A couple days later~

These past few days have been quite interesting per say. I haven't really been that scared of anything that has been going on. I don't know, I always expected that people in this kind of situation would be freaking out. I mean I can't complain about the shopping spree Mephisto had me go on with him, but the whole amnesia and turning up in Japan, rather than (h/c) (A/N: (f/c)= home country) is not as concerning to me as I thought it would be.

I also haven't really talked to anyone about the voice I heard when I was in my comma not even Kuro, but it seems that he is back. I've asked him who he is, but count less times he has told me that I would know in time. Besides him, I'm still adjusting to the new school, the dorm, and everyone else I recently just met.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door and I got up to answer. I opened my door and found a very annoyed Ryuji, and beside him a still very shy Maru-kun. Wonder why they're here.

I smiled at the both of them, "Hi, Ryu-kun. Hi, Maru-kun!"

"I told you not to call me that!" Ryuji scolded me and I just giggled.

"Hi, (Y/n). We were wondering if you wanted to join us for ice cream?" Maru-kun asked.

My eyes widen in excitement, "Ice cream, of course!" I calm down a bit, "I mean... ice cream? Why not? Could you give me a few seconds though, I have to change out of my pjs?"

They realized that all I was wearing was a pajama tank two sizes too big, and a pair of Yukio's boxers. I had decided to keep the boxers after I got passed the awkwardness. Could you blame, me? They were super comfy! They both turned their heads to the side with a light shade of pink on their cheeks, in realization.

"Cute..." Ryuji muttered under his breath.

He didn't realize that I had heard it, I quickly glanced down at the ground and I smiled a little at the compliment. With my past, it was nice to have some friendly people around me. I closed the door slowly to indicate I was going to get ready.

Once the door was closed I rushed to my closet, which is currently filled with all the outfits Mephisto had bought me. Some of them were a little showy, but I'm glad I convinced him to allow me to buy stuff that I wanted, rather than what he thought I should wear. I grabbed a maroon colored, long sleeve shirt with a hood, denim shorts, and black converse.

~Meanwhile with Maru-kun~

(Y/n) had closed the door, after she heard Ryuji call her cute, but I don't think that he saw her smile after he said it. It was very uncharacteristically like him. As we heard shuffling behind the door we decided we should go wait outside with the others.

Once we made our way out the door, Ryuji still seemed to be in a daze. From the way he was acting earlier I think he might like her, but it is way too early to tell. I looked over at Shima, and it looked like he was too busy trying to get Izumo's attention.

"Is she coming with us? Kuro wants to know," Rin asked.

"Yeah, she is," Ryuji snapped out of his daze.

Kuro began to jump in excitement. I guess if she had said no, he would have stayed with her. She has been great to be honest, though a bit reserved sometimes. I'm actually surprised at how fast she is accepted all of this, demons and all.

~Back to (Y/n)~

I was just about to step outside the door, when the voice in my head rang clear.

"You shouldn't go out today."

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Something is coming for you."

"But why? You still haven't told me what's so special about me."

"In due time. Now you must stay in today."

"I'll be fine, I'll be with your sons. They'll protect me, right?"

"Yes, but not this time. I need you to stay in or else I can't protect you!"

"Stop it!" I suddenly shouted out loud, as I stopped in front of the door.

I glanced out the window and noticed everyone waiting for me. Behind them a storm was brewing, even though it was the middle of summer.

"Will they get hurt?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'm afraid so."

"Okay. I'll stay. Just let me tell them."

"Be careful."

I stepped outside, and looked worriedly at everyone, and quickly back at the door. Rin seemed to notice my uneasy glances, and jogged towards me. I glanced up at his worried face and knew he held genuine concern for me. I knew then that I couldn't put him or anyone in jeopardy. These people actually cared about me.

"Hey is everything okay?" Rin asked.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just not feeling up for ice cream anymore. I m-mean, um, there's a storm coming," I pointed to the dark clouds in the distance.

Rin glanced to where I was pointing and stared in confusion, "Woah, when did those clouds get there?"

"Y-you see. I'm gonna go b-back inside now."

I quickly left an open mouthed, and confused Rin at the front door as I ran to my room. I got there quickly closing the door behind me, and sliding down it till I was sitting on the floor.

"You did the right thing," the voice said suddenly.

"Then why do I feel like I didn't."

"It will be fine I can promise you that."

"I trust you."

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