Meeting a Blaze

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A few days later,the Louds go into Blaze Industries on a tour,and then they sneak inside Damien's office.

Lana:"So,why are we here again?"

Lincoln:"We're going to figure out what Morag is up to."



Lynn sees a portrait of Damien,Sandra,Victor,and Julie. Damien had an evil smile on his face,but Julie,Victor and Sandra had expressions of pain and sadness. Rita looks at the portrait with a somber expression.

Lynn Sr:"Honey,do you know any of those people? Because we don't."

Rita:"The blonde woman. I recognize her. She was my best friend from high school."

Luna:"What's her name?"


?:"I'm surprised you still remember me after all these years,Rita."

The Louds look at the door they came from,and they see Sandra and a 17 year old Victor,who was even taller than Lynn Sr. He also looked a bit edgy,and angry.

 He also looked a bit edgy,and angry

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Sandra:"It's good to see you again,Rita."

Rita and Sandra approach each other.

Rita:"It's good to see you too,Sandra."

Rita and Sandra hugging each other.

Sandra:"And you better not touch my ass this time like you did back in high school!"

Rita:"Okay,I won't."

Sandra:"So,who are these people?"

Rita:"This is my husband,Lynn,and these are my children,Lori,Leni,Luna,Luan,Lynn Jr,Lincoln,Lucy,Lana,Lola,Lisa,and Lily."

Sandra:"Wow. Eleven kids? That's really impressive. Seems like you've been busy since the last time we saw each other."

Rita:"Who's the boy?"

Sandra:"That's my son,Victor."

Lynn:"And uh,who's the girl in the picture?"

Sandra looks down in sadness,and Victor clenches his fists in anger.

Victor:(edgy)"Don't. You. Dare."

Sandra puts a hand on Victor's shoulder.

Sandra:"Maybe we can show them what happened to her."

Leni:"Pretty please?"

Victor looks down for a few seconds.

Victor:"Fine. Let's get this over with."

Sandra,Victor,and the Louds go to the hospital to see a 7 year old Julie in a hospital bed hooked to IV tubes and life support. Lola blushes at the sight of Julie.

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